What's new in OnPoint Audit 21.1.0

Here is what’s new in OnPoint Audit 21.1.0.

Intelligent content

Work processes are streamlined and optimized based on your answers to the engagement setup questions located in various documents and your risk assessments.

The engagement content is therefore automatically and intelligently tailored to only include what’s relevant for the engagement you’re working on.

Staff-Contact collaboration

The query functionality within OnPoint Audit allows you to efficiently and securely collaborate with your firm clients. You can create and send document and information requests, as well as track clients progress on the requests in real-time.

The client uploaded documents are automatically saved in the relevant placeholders within the engagement and client responses to information requests are automatically saved in the related checklist, if applicable.

Clients can also sign letters with a click of a button, rather than downloading files and manually signing them, or use third party e-signature platforms.

To learn more, see Staff-Contact Collaboration (Queries).

Herramientas de revisión

Reviewers can view content changes within the various engagement documents and flag potential issues to complete their review more efficiently. To learn more, see Work with Review Tools.

Análisis de datos

Data analytics (known as AnalyticsAI) is a risk-based transaction analysis tool that auditors can use to scan transaction sets and find exceptions that might warrant further investigation. It reduces the time spent in transaction analysis by automatically performing multiple tests on the entire transaction set.

Para más información, consulte Añadir zonas.

GAAP Financial Statements

You can efficiently prepare the auditor’s report and financial statements in OnPoint Audit. Once you upload the client data, it automatically flows into the 7-700 Financial statements that’s pre-authored following the US GAAP financial reporting framework. Sample policies and disclosures are included in a notes library that will expand with each release.

In the financial statements, you can create note disclosures from scratch or you can use the Notes Library. The library includes Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Cash, Accounts Receivable, and Property, Plant and Equipment notes. You can include notes from the library and edit them to your preference.

You can also select custom options and preferences for the financial statements by responding to the questions in the 7-600 Financial Statement setup document.

Sample size calculation and selection tool

OnPoint Audit offers a sample size selection tool to reduce the time spend on selecting samples for testing. The tool randomly selects transactions to test from the transactional data imported into the engagement file.

To learn more, see Sample selection.

Roles and signoff schemes

OnPoint Audit offers custom roles and signoff schemes. Roles are the required preparer and reviewer roles that need to sign off on documents. Signoff schemes refer to the combination of reviewer and preparer roles applicable to a specific document or group of documents.

To learn more, see Define signoff roles and Setup signoff schemes.

Caseware Cloud Connector

Cloud Connector is a Microsoft Office 365 add-in that provides real-time data linkages between your engagement and MS Excel. These linkages allow you to retrieve data from your engagement file, then insert information into an Excel file. Any changes made to the engagement file data will automatically update in the Excel file.

To learn more, see Get started with Cloud Connector.

Enlace interno

To ensure compliance, OnPoint Audit includes links to relevant standards for quick access.


The following list features a brief description of the issues that have been resolved in this release.

  • When you add or modify the content of a procedure in a Checklist, the text cursor may become inactive while you are entering text or when you stop doing so.