What's new - Caseware Sherlock 6.1

Find out what's new in Caseware Sherlock 6.1.

documentv2 and historyv2 datasets

We’ve introduced two new datasets — documentv2 and historyv2. These datasets function similarly to the existing document and history datasets, but with users’ identities decrypted. This means that visualizations that would previously display an encrypted GUID to hide users’ names (with document or history) can now display their full names (with documentv2 or historyv2).

Issue data from Cloud engagements

Sherlock now captures issue data from Cloud engagements and populates it into the same datasets as Working Papers. This enables you to query issue data across all engagements, regardless of their original platform.

Additional metadata from Cloud engagements

Sherlock now captures additional metadata from Cloud engagements, such as lockdown information, sign-off dates, materiality values and more.