What's new in Audit International v2023.1.0 (2.660)

This version of Audit International Cloud includes the changes and new requirements in ISA 220 (Revised), Quality Management for an Audit of Financial Statements and ISQM 2, Engagement Quality Reviews. The updates are intended to clarify the responsibilities of the auditor regarding quality management at the engagement level for an audit of financial statements and the related responsibilities of the engagement partner.

Here’s what’s new in Audit International Cloud v2023.1.0 (2.660).

Content updates

Resumen de socios y gerentes

To streamline review work, a new Partner and manager summary document has been added. It gathers key engagement information from across multiple phases of the engagement such as Planning, Risk Assessment and Response, Fieldwork and Completion.

The Partner and manager summary document provides an overview of the following information:

  • Información financiera

  • Overall engagement information.

  • Sign-off status on specific documents.

  • Risk and controls information.

  • Proposed audit responses overviews per Work Program.

  • Work Program custom conclusions.

  • Issues raised and the corresponding status.

  • Adjustments posted.

  • Modificado después de la aprobación

New worksheets

To assist auditors with identifying risks and going concerns, the following optional worksheets have been added:

  • A230 - Worksheet - Engagement Risk Factors.

  • A415 - Worksheet - Inherent risk factors

  • B225 - Worksheet - Understanding climate related issues on the entity.

  • B230 - Worksheet - Understanding the revenue streams of the entity.

  • B610 - Going Concern Considerations.

Workflow and usability improvements

To improve the overall workflow and usability of Audit International Cloud, the following changes have been made:

  • B410 Worksheet - Minutes of governance meetings:

    • The content in the B415. Worksheet - Minutes of governance meetings document was merged into B410. Worksheet - Minutes of governance meetings.

    • You are now able to document all matters related to minutes of governance within the same document, which assists in both the documentation and review process.

  • B600 Going concern identification:

    • The B600. Specific areas document has been renamed to B600. Going concern identification.

    • Procedures not related to going concern have been moved to either B200 Understanding the entity and its environment or C100 Audit response to assessed risks.

  • 200.101 Equity:

    • The content in the 200.102 Equity (Partnership) document was merged into 200.101 Equity.

    • Auditors now have a single work program where the tailoring questions use visibility conditions and appear at the beginning of the document to ensure that only the applicable procedures display.

  • D610 Reporting checklist:

    • The content in the D605. Optimiser - Reporting checklist document was merged into D610. Reporting checklist.

    • You can now rely on a single checklist where the tailoring questions rely on visibility conditions and appear at the beginning of the document to ensure that only applicable procedures display.

  • Los siguientes comandos han cambiado de nombre:

    • A225L Letter to a successor accounting firm.

    • A310L Hiring an external audit expert.

    • A5.2-1L Inventory consigned to others confirmation.

    • A5.2-2L Inventory consigned to others confirmation - Sample response letter.

    • A6.1L Inventory held at outside locations inquire.

    • A5.1L Accounts receivable confirmation.

    • A5.3L Long-term debt confirmation.

List of updated documents

Número de documento Título Cambio
A200 Preliminary engagement activities

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

Nuevo procedimiento

A200Q Request - Engagement letter Major procedure changes.
A205L Terms of engagement - Engagement letter - Draft Minor changes.
A210Q Request - Letter to predecessor accountant

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

A215L Letter to a predecessor accounting firm - Draft Minor changes.
A225L Letter to a successor accounting firm Eliminado
A230 Worksheet - Engagement Risk Factors New document.
A305 Worksheet - Selecting an auditor’s expert Minor procedures changes.
A310L Hiring an external audit expert Eliminado
A300 Overall audit strategy

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

Nuevo procedimiento

A320 Worksheet - Understanding and evaluation of the internal audit function Minor procedure guidance changes.
A325Q (previously A325) Engagement expert - Query Moved from external document to query.
A340Q Audit planning letter – Those charged with governance - Query New document.
A350L Firm deliverables and client information letter - Draft

Updated guidance.

Minor changes.

A355Q (previously A345Q) Overall client information request

Document guidance.

Cambio en número de documento

A400 Team planning discussions

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

Nuevo procedimiento

A405 Preparing the risk assessment procedures Major procedure changes.
A415 Worksheet - Inherent risk factors New document.
B200 Understanding the entity and its environment Minor procedure guidance change.
B200Q Understanding the entity and its environment - Query Document guidance.
B225 Worksheet - Understanding climate related issues on the entity New document.
B230 Worksheet - Understanding the revenue streams of the entity New document.
B300 Underst. of the comp. of the entity's system of internal control Minor procedures changes.
B300Q Underst. of the comp. of the entity's system of internal control Query New document.
B350 Informes de control New document.
B400 Assessment of RMM (including Fraud Risks) Nuevo procedimiento
B410 Worksheet - Minutes of governance meetings Nuevo procedimiento
B415 Worksheet - Minutes of governance meetings Merged into B410.
B450 (prev. B700) Informes de riesgos Document renumbered.
B600 Going concern identification

Deleted procedures.

Added new procedures.

B610 Going concern considerations New document.
C100 Audit response to assessed risks Major procedure changes.
C105Q Solicitar registros y documentos

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

C110 Responding to risk at the financial statement level Major procedure changes.
C155 Documenting consultation

Document guidance.

Minor procedure changes.

C205 Group audit - Acceptance and planning Major procedure changes.
C220 Worksheet - EQR checklist - Group audits involving component auditors

Document guidance.

Minor procedure changes.

1.101Q Property, plant and equipment - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

5.101Q Investment property - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

10.101Q Intangibles and goodwill - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

20.101Q Long-term Investments - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

35.101Q Loans and advances receivable - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

40.101Q Agricultural Assets - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

110.101Q Inventory - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

110.125 Worksheet - Inventories - Substantive sampling - Tests of details Nuevo procedimiento
A5.2-1L Inventory consigned to others confirmation Eliminado
A5.2-2L Inventory consigned to others confirmation - Sample response letter Eliminado
A6.1L Inventory held at outside locations inquiry Eliminado
120.101Q Investments - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

130.101Q Accounts receivable, trade and other - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

130.125 Worksheet - Receivables, current - Substantive sampling - Tests of details Nuevo procedimiento
A5.1L Pruebas de cuentas por cobrar: Eliminado
135.101Q Prepaid expenses and other assets - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

140.101Q Cash - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

200.101 Patrimonio Neto Major procedure changes.
200.101Q Equity - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

200.102 Equity (Partnership) Merged into 200.101.
200.102Q Equity (Partnership) - Query Merged into 200.101Q.
300.101Q Long-term debt - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

A5.3L Long-term debt confirmation Eliminado
325.101Q Income taxes - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

330.101Q Loans and advances payable - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

335.101Q Government Grants - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

340.101Q Leases for Lessees - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

400.101Q Notes payable and bank debt - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

425.101Q Accounts payable and accrued liabilities - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

425.125 Worksheet - Payables - Substantive sampling - Tests of details Nuevo procedimiento
1500.101Q Revenues - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

1500.125 Worksheet - Revenues - Substantive sampling - Tests of details Nuevo procedimiento
1600.101Q Cost of sales - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

1600.103 Worksheet - Cost of sales - Substantive sampling - Tests of details Nuevo procedimiento
1600.105Q Payroll and other expenses - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

1600.107 Worksheet - Payroll and other exp. - Substantive sampling - Tests of details Nuevo procedimiento
1700.101Q Other income - Query

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

1800.101Q Other expenses - Query Major procedure changes.
D305 Worksheet - Engagement quality control review checklist

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

D350 Resumen de socios y gerentes New document.
D360 (Prev. B310 Key audit matters

Guidance updated.

Document renumbered.

D500Q Client deliverables queries New document.
D505 Worksheet - Matters to be communicated to management and TCWG Major procedure change.
D510 Communications to be made by the auditor with TCWG and management Major procedure change.
D515L Management letter - Draft Minor changes.
D520L Report for those charged with governance Document guidance.
D530L Communicating deficiencies in internal control letter - Draft Minor changes.
D450Q Request - Management representation letter

Document guidance.

Major changes.

D600 Audit completion Minor changes.
D605 Optimiser - Reporting checklist Merged into D610.
D610 Reporting checklist Major procedure changes.
D615 Documentation checklist Major procedure changes.
D625 Checklist - Audit completion (Core)

Document guidance.

Major procedure changes.

D630 Worksheet - Withdrawal New document.

New queries layout

Audit International Cloud now includes a new query layout with an enhanced look and feel.

Informes de control

To streamline your risk and controls reporting, we’ve enhanced and renamed the Risks page to the Risk & controls page. The updated Risk & controls page includes a new controls report that you can access from the Controls tab. The report allows you to easily document controls by ensuring compliance and support for audit documentation requirements are met.