Agrupar columnas en tablas dinámicas

You can group related columns in dynamic tables together and label them with a header to better present the information in the financial statements.

Agrupar columnas en tablas dinámicas

  1. Navigate to the table.

  2. Select More actions (), then choose Edit Dynamic Table.

  3. The table opens in edit mode.

  4. Use the check boxes at the top of each column to select the columns you want to group.

    Dynamic table in edit mode.

  5. Select the Group columns () icon.

    Dynamic table with multiple columns selected.

  6. Select Column Group Heading to edit the column grouping.

    Dynamic table in edit mode with grouped columns.

  7. You can enter a heading for the column group in the Heading field and add other existing columns into the group with the Add column button.

    You can also drag and drop the columns in the list to change the order the columns display in.

    If you do not want the columns to be grouped anymore, select REMOVE GROUPING. Note that this does not delete the columns from the table.

    Column grouping settings.

  8. Once your changes are complete, select DONE.