Crear grupos personalizados en tablas

You can create custom groups in dynamic tables using two methods:

  • Filas seleccionadas del grupo

  • Add a custom group row.

Group multiple input rows

You can group multiple rows to create a custom group in dynamic tables.

To create a custom group by grouping multiple rows:

  1. Select the table.

  2. Icons for table options display on the right.

  3. Select More actions () | Edit Dynamic Table.

  4. The table opens in edit mode.

  5. Seleccione las estadísticas que desea mostrar.

  6. Note that you can select:

    • Trial balance rows, input rows or a combination of both
    • Single account rows or group rows
  7. Select the Group selected rows icon ()

  8. A custom group row is added in the table with a default title Title. You can change the default title.

    A total row is also added in the table with a default title Total. You can change the default title.

    Create custom group by grouping multiple rows.

  9. Select SAVE & CLOSE.

Add a custom group row

Adding a custom group row adds a text field row. You can use it enter a title or a brief description row in the table.

Custom group line added to include a title row in the table.

You can also use it to include the () button in the table. The +Row button allows staff to directly add rows to the custom group without having to switch to the table edit mode.

This is helpful in cases where you cannot predefine the number of rows needed. For example, if each staff member needs to add their labor costs in a table or to include extra rows in the statement of cash flows.

Statement of Cash Flows including the +Row button so staff can include additonal rows if needed.

To enable adding input rows directly to a custom group:

  1. Select the table.

  2. Icons for table options display on the right.

  3. Select More actions () | Edit Dynamic Table.

  4. The table opens in edit mode.

  5. Locate where you want to allow staff to add input rows, then select the Add () | Custom group at the left border of the table.

  6. Note: Adding a custom group marks the place in the table where you want to allow users to add input rows outside edit mode.

    A new group row is added in the table with a default title Title. You can select the default title to change it.

    If you don't want the group row or the total row to show on the table, select the row then select the eye icon () to hide it. In this case, it's recommended to also select Settings () | Show hidden items to keep track of all existing rows in the table as you're working on it.

  7. Select the new custom group.

  8. The Enable Input Rows icon () displays on the top left corner.

  9. Select Enable Input Rows ().

  10. Select SAVE & CLOSE.

To remove the () button, select the group you added in Step 3, then select ().