Añadir o eliminar enlaces de datos en las secciones de texto de los estados financieros

Data links () allow you to have existing information in the engagement or in Cloud automatically retrieved and inserted in text fields.

The following data links are available:

Propiedades del encargo

(from Cloud)

Engagement properties as defined in Cloud, such as:

  • Nombre operativo
  • Nombre legal
  • Fecha de cierre del ejercicio
  • Fecha de inicio del ejercicio
  • Ejercicio en curso
  • Sitio web
  • Año anterior
  • Código de moneda
  • Nombre de moneda
  • Símbolo de moneda
  • Dirección de la entidad

Balance de comprobación

(from the engagement)

Items in the trial balance such as, account name, grouping name, or values from the current or prior year. A Display opposite sign checkbox to display account balance in opposite (balance). If dimensions are enabled in your product, you can filter for accounts and groups by dimension.

Note: If the engagement is consolidated, you can choose whether to use data from the parent entity or a subsidiary, as well as whether to use the consolidated or non-consolidated value for the account or group. You can also select to use the default value based on whether the document is set to use consolidated or non-consolidated data.

Propiedades de firma

(from Cloud)

Nombre de la firma

Dirección de la firma


(from the engagement)

Responses to procedures from checklists. Once you select a checklist document from the list, select the response you want to retrieve and insert in the text section.


(from the engagement)

Defined values in the Materiality document.

Texto dinámico

Dynamic text is conditional text. It's a field where different text displays based on a condition or a set of conditions.

See Add dynamic text.

Valor de formulario

Insert the value of a specific form field. Once you select a form and a field, the value of the selected field is inserted in the text field.

Note: This option is only available in the Data Link dialog if custom forms are available in your product, such as Tax forms.

To add dynamic text:

Note: You can only add dynamic text if you are customizing the firm template. To access the firm template, you must have the Settings Admin role or similar. See Manage the firm template for more information.

  1. Go to where you want to add a formula in the text.

  2. Select Add Data Link () from the toolbar.

  3. At the Dynamic Text tab, select the Add Condition drop-down list.

  4. Different setup details display in the Data Link dialog based on the condition you choose:

Tipo de condición

Condition setup


Document - select the source document for the response

Procedure - select the procedure for which the response is provided

Condition - select the value of the response

Output - select the text to be displayed when the condition is met

Balance de comprobación

Financial Group - select the trial balance account or account group

Condition - select how the name of the Income Statement displays based on the value of Net Income in the trial balance

  • Consistent → name displays as "Statement of Income"
  • Contrary → name displays as "Statement of Loss"
  • Inconsistent → name displays as "Statement of Income (Loss)"

Output - select the text to be displayed when the condition is met


Condition - select the consolidation situation (Consolidated, Non-consolidated)

Output - select the text to be displayed when the condition is met

Escala/redondeo Condition - select the rounding scale

Output - select the text to be displayed when the condition is met

Período de informe

Condition - select the value of the reporting period (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, Annual)

Output - select the text to be displayed when the condition is met

Tipo de organización

Condition - select a country

Output - select the text to be displayed when the condition is met

Grupo de condiciones

Select this option if you want to add a group of conditions, where the text output is based on how the conditions in the group are collectively evaluated

Group Condition - select one of the following values:

When all conditions below are met -> all conditions must be true for the Group Condition to be met

When any condition below is met -> any condition must be true for the Group Condition to be met

Output - select the text to be displayed when the Group Condition is met

Valor de formulario Condition - select a form and a field in the selected form

Output - select the text to be displayed when the condition is met

Note: This condition is only functional if custom forms are available in your product, such as Tax forms.

    You can add more than one condition type to trigger additional text outputs. To add another condition, select Add Condition.

    You can also optionally specify an alternate output for the text if no conditions are met.

  1. Once you're done, select Save.

  2. If a condition (or conditions) is met, the corresponding output text you specified for that condition displays.

    If no condition is met, the alternate text output (the one you specified for when none of the conditions are met) displays. Otherwise, #ValueEmpty# displays.

Tip: To remove a Data Link (), highlight it and select Delete or Backspace.