Abfrage mit Checklistenprozedur verknüpfen

You can link a query question to a related procedure in a checklist to complete the checklist document.

For example, if there is a procedure in a checklist related to your client's business that you won't have an optimal answer to and it's better you request that information from the client, you can link the question to the related procedure in the checklist document. Once you collect the required information from the client, you can add the response in the checklist. To learn, see View client responses related to checklist procedures.

Note: If the linked query question is hidden in the query document, its responses do not display in the checklist document.

To link a query question to a checklist procedure:

  1. Go to the question, then select More actions () | Link to checklist.

  2. Select the search field to display a list of the available checklists in the template.

    You can enter a keyword in the search field to filter the list. You can also select Show hidden documents check box at the bottom to include hidden checklists in the list.

  3. Select a checklist document.

    Once you add a checklist, another search field displays. It allows you to find and select procedures in this checklist.

  4. Select the search field to display a list of the procedures in the checklist.

  5. You can enter a keyword in the search field to filter the list. You can also select Show hidden procedures check box to include hidden procedures in the list.

  6. Select one or more procedures.

  7. Klicken Sie auf Speichern.

    The selected procedure are now linked to the question.

You can see the client response in the relevant checklist after staff have accepted it. If the client uploads a file as part of the response, the file displays as a link so you can access it directly from the checklist.

To remove the linked procedures, select the question, then select More actions () | Link to Checklist. Once the dialog opens, select Delete.