Firmenvorlage bearbeiten

You can make changes to the firm template if needed.

To edit the firm template:

  1. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie über die Rolle Einstellungen-Administrator oder gleichwertige Rechte verfügen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in Vorgegebene Rollen und Zugriffsrollen zuweisen.

  2. From the Cloud menu (), select Settings () | <your product name> | Manage Template.

  3. Select Create Draft.

    If you already have an existing draft, you will not see this option.

  4. Select Open Draft.

  5. The template opens in draft mode. You can now make changes as needed.

  6. Once you're done, return to the Cloud menu () and select Settings () | <your product name> | Manage Template.

  7. Select Publish Template to have the changes applied to newly added engagements.