Firmenvorlage aktualisieren
Once you receive notification of updates to the product template, you need to manually update your firm template with the latest changes from the product template.
Note: The Update button is only available in the page if there are new updates to the product template that you have not applied to your template yet. Otherwise, it does not display in the page.
To update the firm template:
Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie über die Rolle Einstellungen-Administrator oder gleichwertige Rechte verfügen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in Vorgegebene Rollen und Zugriffsrollen zuweisen.
From the Cloud menu (
), select Settings (
) | <your product name> | Manage Template.
Select Update.
The available options on the Manage Template page are Open Draft, Delete Draft and Publish Draft.
Once you're done, select Publish Draft to apply the changes to new engagements.