Fragen zu einer Kundenabfrage bearbeiten
Once you have added all the queries you will need for this client request, you can modify each of them to create a framework for the contact to answer your questions.
To modify a query:
There are a few things that you can do to modify queries in your client requests:
Add a summary - Select the summary field above the description field to enter a name or a short description for the query.
Change the response type - Select the more actions icon (), then choose Settings to open the query Settings dialog. You can select a different response type in the settings dialog:
Manual - the client will enter information into a text box.
Picklist - the client will choose one answer from a list of choices.
Multi-Picklist - the client will choose one or more answers from a list of choices.
Upload Files - the client will attach a file to the engagement.
Hinweis: The maximum upload size is 500 MB per file. For a secure file exchange, the system prevents upload of suspicious files, such as: .com, .bat, .exe, .cmd, .sh, .dll, .so, .o, .deb, .msi, .rpm, .ko, .sys, .php, .py, .vbs, .js, .app.
Date - the client will select a date from a popup calendar.
Entity Information - display information about the client entity.
Contact Information - display information about a client contact.
Add a description - Select the description field to change the query description. Once you select the field, the formatting toolbar displays. You can use the toolbar to make the following updates:
Fett, Kursiv oder Unterstrichen dem ausgewählten Text zuweisen.
Eine Aufzählung oder nummerierte Liste hinzufügen:
Einrücken von ausgewähltem Text oder Absatz.
Ausrichten von ausgewähltem Text oder Absatz.
Eine Tabelle hinzufügen
Alle Formatierungen von ausgewähltem Text oder Absatz entfernen und auf den Standard zurücksetzen.