Generate client credentials (Okta)

For Okta to authenticate the integration with Cloud, you need to generate a client ID and secret. Ensure that you keep a copy of these credentials so that you do not need to regenerate them at a later time.

To generate client credentials:

  1. Log in to your firm's Okta dashboard with an Admin account.

  2. From the main menu, expand the Applications drop-down and select Applications.

  3. On the Applications page, select the name of your app integration.

  4. On the app integration's page, under the General tab, copy the Client ID value and paste it to a text document for later use. Label it Client ID.

  5. Under the Client Secrets group, select Generate new secret. Copy the Secret value and paste it to a text document for later use. Nennen Sie das Textdokument Geheimer Clientschlüssel.

Nächstes Thema: Copy the metadata URI