Define a document's sign-off scheme

Content in this topic requires Caseware ReviewComp.

Sign-off schemes are the applicable combination of preparer and reviewer roles required to sign off on a document. Caseware ReviewComp allows you to define a document’s sign-off scheme. Before you define a document's sign-off scheme, we recommend you create a custom sign-off scheme. To learn more, see Modify sign-off schemes.

To define a document’s sign-off scheme:

  1. In the Documents page, navigate to the document you’d like to customize and select More Actions () | Edit.

    El cuadro de diálogo Propiedades del documento.

  2. In the Signoff Scheme grid, select the Scheme Name you’d like to apply.

    If you hover over a scheme, the EDIT button displays for quick access to the Signoffs | Schemes tab in the Engagement Settings.

  3. Seleccione Guardar.

Define a document's signoff scheme.

If you don’t define a document’s sign-off scheme, the default Preparer and Reviewer scheme is applied. Note that you cannot sign off on queries.

After defining a document’s sign-off scheme, you can view the sign-off status of each document in the engagement file by selecting More actions () | Sign-offs. With this option enabled, you can:

  • Sign off on a document from the Documents page by selecting the hollow circle icon () or by hovering next to the document name to display the gray pencil icons ()
  • Sign off from inside a document by selecting the hollow circle icon ()
  • Remove your sign off by selecting the ()

As the designated reviewers and preparers sign off, icons display in the Documents page to help track the progress on signoff:

  • Partially prepared () - Not all preparer roles in the applied scheme have signed off.

  • Partially reviewed () - Not all reviewer roles in the applied scheme have signed off.

  • Prepared () - All preparer roles in the applied scheme have signed off.

  • Reviewed () - All reviewer roles in the applied scheme have signed off.

  • Modified since last review () - Documents that have changed since the last time a reviewer has signed off on them.

You can also select any of the above icons to display a log that shows:

  • Name of the reviewer or preparer that provided a sign-off
  • Date of the sign-off
  • Name and date of the last reviewer sign-off (only for the Modified since last review icons). To learn more, see Modifications after reviewer sign-off.