Accounts payable—invoices described

When importing subledger transactions from a CSV or Excel file you must assign fields in the source file to Caseware fields in the subledger dataset type you select on import, so that the transaction data displays correctly in the engagement. This topic details the fields in the Accounts payable—invoices subledger.

For more information on the subledger dataset descriptions, see Understand subledger data.

For more information on importing transaction data from CSV files, see Import the client’s transactions from a CSV.

Feld Usage
Transaction ID

A cross-reference to the general ledger (GL) posting. It can contain many different levels to identify the transaction. Examples include cost centers, such as company, division, region, group and branch/department.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Primary key: The value of this field is used to form the unique identifier of this entry.

Invoice Year

The fiscal year in which Invoice Date occurs.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Invoice Period (ap_invoice_invoice_period)

The fiscal period in which Invoice Date occurs.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Invoice Due Date

The date payment is due to the supplier. Not all transactions will have a due date, for example, credit memos.

Data type: Datum

Required: No

Invoice Amount (

The transaction monetary amount recorded in the functional or group currency.

Data type: Money

Required: No

Reporting Invoice Amount

The transaction monetary amount recorded in the reporting currency.

Data type: Money

Required: No

Local Invoice Amount

The transaction monetary amount in local currency.

Data type: Money

Required: No


A free-form text description of the invoice.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Batch Number

Systems generated identifier for batch.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Source ID

Posting source. The code for the source where the journal entry originated, such as sales journal, cash receipts journal, general journal, payroll journal, accountant manual entry, spreadsheet, and so on.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Supplier ID

Identifier of the supplier to whom payment is due or from whom unused credits have been applied.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Primary key: Second alternate. If Transaction ID is not present in the data, the value of this field is concatenated with the values of the other alternate fields to form the unique identifier of the entry, for example <FirstAlternate>-<SecondAlternate>-<ThirdAlternate>

Supplier Name

The name of the supplier.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Invoice Terms Discount Percentage

The discount percentage the supplier may provide if an invoice is paid before a certain number of days.

Data type: Decimal

Required: No

Invoice Terms Discount Days

The number of days from the invoice date the supplier allows to take advantage of discounted terms.

Data type: Integer

Required: No

Invoice Term Due Days

The number of days allowed to meet the obligation before an invoice becomes overdue.

Data type: Integer

Required: No

Invoice Number

The identification number of an externally generated invoice.

Data type: Text

Required: Yes

Primary key: First alternate. If Transaction ID is not present in the data, the value of this field is concatenated with the values of the other alternate fields to form the unique identifier of the entry, for example <FirstAlternate>-<SecondAlternate>-<ThirdAlternate>.

Invoice Date

The date of the invoice, regardless of the date the invoice is entered. This is the date from which the due date is calculated based on the invoice terms.

Data type: Datum

Required: No

Primary key: Third alternate. If Transaction ID is not present in the data, the value of this field is concatenated with the values of the other alternate fields to form the unique identifier of the entry, for example <FirstAlternate>-<SecondAlternate>-<ThirdAlternate>.

Business Unit Code

Used to identify the business unit, region, branch, and so on at the level that financial statements are being audited.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Entered By

The user identifier of the person who created the record.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Entered Date

The date the transaction was entered into the source system. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.

Data type: Datum

Required: No

Entered Time

The time this transaction was entered into the source system.

Data type: Date/time

Required: No

Approved By

The user identifier of the person who approved the entry.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Approved Date

The date the entry was approved.

Data type: Datum

Required: No

Approved Time

The time the entry was approved.

Data type: Date/time

Required: No

Last Modified By

The user identifier of the last person to modify this entry.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Last Modified Date

The date the entry was last modified.

Data type: Datum

Required: No

Last Modified Time

The time the entry was last modified.

Data type: Date/time

Required: No

Purchase Order ID

The unique identifier for each purchase order.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Line Detail - Product ID

The unique identifier for each purchased product. This identifier may need to be created by concatenating fields, such as business unit, product number, year, and so on, to uniquely identify each product.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Line Detail - Product Description

The plain language product description, indicating the name or other identifying characteristics of the product.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Invoice Currency

The functional or group currency related to the invoice amount.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Reporting Invoice Currency

The reporting currency related to the invoice reporting amount for nonconsolidated reporting.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Local Invoice Currency

The currency for local reporting requirements.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Tax Type

Code for the tax type. Examples include Sales, VAT.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Tax Description

A description of Tax Type. For example, the authority to which tax is paid and other information to identify the type of tax.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Tax Amount

The amount of the tax indicated in Tax Type that is included in the transaction. Recorded in the local currency.

Data type: Money

Required: No

Official Invoice Code

The unique official code of the invoice, which is usually generated by the tax authorities.

Data type: Text

Required: no

Line Detail - Account ID

The general ledger (GL) account code of the GL revenue account. This code can contain a subaccount identifier, as well as many different levels to identify the account, including cost centers, such as company, division, region, group and branch/department.

Data type: Text

Required: No

Line Detail - Account Description

The description of the account whose identifier appears in Line Detail - Account ID.

Data type: Text

Required: No