De template aanpassen in een andere taal
If multiple languages are supported in your product, you can author the content and deliverables (and make changes to existing ones) in more than one language.
Let op: Authoring in multiple languages can be done by firm authors in the firm template or staff members in an engagement file.
This topic describes a use-case for authoring French content and deliverables in a firm template or an engagement file. You can use this use-case as a reference. Note that, you must repeat the steps listed in this use-case for each language that you need to author content and deliverables for.
Assumption: English content and deliverables have already been added and authored in the template.
Before you start
Ensure the language (or languages) that you need to author in are active. For detailed instructions, see Content language.
Ensure you have the translated content for all the languages that you need to author in. The application does not automatically translate text.
Switch the Content language of the template to the language you want to author in (in this use-case, switch to French)
Let op: U kunt de teksten in zowel de brieven als in de vragenlijsten nog nalopen en aanpassen.
Mappen, submappen, documenten en placeholders hernoemen
Mappen, submappen, documenten en placeholders hernoemen:
Open de pagina Documenten of Vragenlijsten.
Geef het item dat u wilt hernoemen een andere naam.
Klik op Meer acties (
) | Bewerken.
Voer de identifier en de vertaling in voor het item.
Add the french content
Here is the recommended approach to adding the french content.
Add a french version for the letter or memo content, then set them to only show if the selected content language of the template is french.
To author content in letters and memos in french
Select +New section to add a section for each piece of content that needs to have a french equivalent.
Enter the french content in the corresponding section.
Add the following visibility logic for each french section.
Klik op Meer acties (
) | Bewerken.
Checklists and queries
Add the french versions of each procedure and query question.
To author checklist procedures in french:
Open de checklist en klik op het icoon Bewerken (). Volg onderstaande stappen voor iedere instructie:
Klik in de beschrijving van de instructie.
De opmaakwerkbalk verschijnt bovenin beeld.
Selecteer Formule toevoegen (
) op de werkbalk.
Het venster Formule opent.
In het tabblad Dynamische tekst kunt u in het veld Uitvoer een anderstalige beschrijving ingeven.
Klik op Opslaan.
If required, select the Summary field above the description to enter the French summary for the procedure.
To author the french query questions:
Open de vragenlijst. Volg voor iedere vraag onderstaande stappen:
Klik op de beschrijving van de vraag.
De opmaakwerkbalk verschijnt bovenin beeld.
Selecteer Formule toevoegen (
) op de werkbalk.
Het venster Formule opent.
In het tabblad Dynamische tekst kunt u in het veld Uitvoer een anderstalige beschrijving ingeven.
Klik op Opslaan.
If required, select the Summary field above the text to enter the French summary for the query question.
You can add french response options for picklist or multi-picklist response types in the checklist default settings.
To add french picklist response options to the checklist default settings:
Select the Settings icon (
) to open the Checklist Settings dialog.
Select the Edit icon (
Enter the french version of each picklist option.
Klik op Opslaan.
You can also add french response types to individual checklist procedures and query questions that have a picklist or multi-picklist response type.
To add french picklist response options for a checklist procedure or a query question:
Go to the procedure in the checklist or the question in the query.
Klik op Meer acties (
) | Instellingen.
Select the Edit icon (
Enter the french version of each picklist option.
Klik op Opslaan.
Add a french version for the financial statements content, then set them to only show if the selected content language is french.
Let op: Trial balance groups are automatically display in french once you switch the content language.
To author financial statements in french:
Add french content in the desired areas.
- Select Add (
) | Text section.
- Enter the french content.
- Set up the visibility logic to have the content only display when the content language is french.
Add the french note disclosures:
- Go to the Document Map and select Add (
) | Create Note.
- Enter the french note.
- Set up the visibility logic to have the note only display when the content language is french.
For each area:
For each note:
To set up the visibility logic for each french area and note:
Klik op Meer acties (
) | Bewerk zichtbaarheid.
Select Language from the Add Condition drop-down.