Daten aus Online-Buchhaltungssoftware importieren

You can import data from online accounting software or a structured file.

To import data from online accounting software:

  1. From the Import tab of the Data page, select Accounting Software or Structured File.

  2. If this is the first time you’re importing data into the engagement, select New Data Source. If you’ve previously imported data, select Add data.

  3. If your engagement is consolidated and has internal subsidiary entities, select which entity you want to import data for from the list.

  4. Select the Data Source you are using, then select Next. This example uses Xero.

    If your data source is not visible, enter its name into the Search box to find it.

  5. At the Authenticate stage of the import wizard, note the checkmark on the Data Source tab at the top of the page, indicating stage completion. To continue with authentication, select Connect.

    Log in to Xero

  6. On the login page for the software you’re importing from, enter your credentials and grant permissions to allow access.

    The authentication experience will differ depending on your software.

  7. If there are multiple organization options, the Select Organization stage displays. Select the appropriate organization to import data from, then Next.

  8. At the Configure Data stage of the import wizard:

    • Start Date is automatically filled with the start date of the data.

    • End Date is automatically filled with the end date of the data.

      Hinweis: End Date must match the year-end date of the data to be imported. The year-end date of the engagement where you are importing this data must also match the end date of the data to be imported.

  9. In Select dataset type, choose the type of dataset you are importing.

    To learn more about the dataset options, see Dataset types. Not all dataset types may be available if they have not been enabled in your product.

  10. If you selected Trial balance, collapse the list of dataset types by selecting the Collapse icon (). Notice the Import the last 5 years of TB option appears. Select it to import up to five years of trial balance data if it is available in the zip file you generated.

  11. Wählen Sie Weiter.

  12. At the Confirmation stage of the import wizard, review the information and select Import.

Hinweis: If you close the import wizard while the data is importing, the import will continue. When you return to the wizard, you'll be able to see the status of the import.

To view the imported financial data, go to your engagement's Data page.

Reimport the trial balance

After you complete the import, you can reimport the trial balance data at any point in time by going to the Data page, and selecting Import, then one of the available options:

  • Reimport Trial Balance - Select this method to reimport the data with the original import method that you used. For example, if you previously used Xero to import the trial balance data, the Xero import method displays when you attempt a reimport.

  • Reimport from different source - Select this method to reimport the data with a different import method. For example, if you previously used Xero, but now want to import the trial balance data from a CSV file.

When you reimport the data, accounts from the new data are matched to the old data using the account name and number. Balances for matching accounts are overwritten with the new data. Accounts that only exist in the old data and not the new data are deleted.

Hinweis: If you reimport the data from a different source and there are accounts in the existing data that are not in the new data, the balance of these existing accounts is set to 0.

Hinweis: In engagement files created from carry forward, account balances from prior years are not overwritten or deleted by the new data from reimport.

Dataset types

Dataset type Beschreibung
General ledger General ledger transactions
Trial balance A worksheet in which all ledgers are compiled into debit and credit columns in order to ensure a company's bookkeeping system is mathematically correct.
Accounts payable - invoices

The Accounts payable—invoices dataset contains all invoices received during the period under review.

Accounts payable - payments made

The Accounts payable—payments Made dataset contains all payment transactions (check, wire transfer, cash, and so on) made during the period.

Accounts payable - suppliers

The Accounts payable—suppliers dataset contains all details related to the Supplier such as Contact details, address, credit limit and so on.

Accounts payable - open balances

The Open accounts payable dataset contains details regarding all open, unpaid, or unresolved payable transactions as of the close of business on a specified date.

Accounts receivable - invoices

The Accounts receivable—invoice dataset contains all invoices generated during the period under review.

Accounts receivable - cash received

The Accounts receivables—cash received dataset contains all payment transactions (check, wire transfer, cash, and so on) received during the period.

Accounts receivable - customers The Accounts receivable—customers dataset contains all details related to the customer, such as contact details, address, credit limit and so on.
Accounts receivable - open balances The Accounts receivable—open balances dataset contains details regarding all open, unpaid, or unresolved customer transactions as of the close of business on a specified date.
Inventory transactions Captures all transactions affecting inventory accounts during the time period specified (for example, receipts, shipments, transfers, returns, and adjustments).
Inventory on hand Captures the on-hand inventory quantities of items by location and amounts as of the specified date.
Andere Unstructured transaction data that does not follow a predefined schema. Select this option to import data that does not correspond to any of the dataset types described here. Each file you import using this dataset type is considered its own dataset.