Configuración de la empresa - Personalización

Views Management

On the Views Management page, you can define column headings, sort orders and other configuration options related to views. Views are used on the Entities, People, Working Papers, and Files pages to customize how information is displayed. To learn more, see Crear vistas para todos los usuarios.

To reach the Views Management page, open the Cloud menu () and select Settings | Customization | Views Management.

The Views Management section of the Settings page.

Select a view to display the Edit, Default, Availability, and Delete options. Built-in views cannot be edited or deleted.

Seleccione para crear una nueva capa.

New View page

When creating a new view, the following options are available:

A new Files view on the Views Management page.

Section Name Descripción
Files View
  • Name - The name of the view being edited.

  • Available for Staff- Make the current view available to staff accounts.

  • Available for Contacts - Make the current view available to contacts.

  • Add Columns - Select the columns included in the view.

  • Reorder () - Select and drag to adjust the order of columns in a view.

  • Column Header - Customize the column header. By default, the column header is the same as the column name.

  • Width - Set the column width.

    • Small - Set the column width to 32px.

    • Medium - Set the column width to 150px.

    • Large - Set the column width to 300px.

  • Sort() - Make the current column the sort column and change the sort order. The order is determined by the data type of the column. Por ejemplo:

    • Fechas

      Based on timestamp, where the first entry in the list is:

      • Ascending - date with the earliest timestamp.
      • Descending - date with the most recent timestamp.

    • Números

      Based on numerical value, where the first entry in the list is:

      • Ascending - number with the lowest value.
      • Descending - number with the highest value.
    • Text (String)

      Based on alphabetical order, where the first entry in the list is:

      • Ascending - text that begins with the letter 'A' (from A-Z).
      • Descending - text that begins with the letter 'Z' (from Z-A).
  • Remove() - Remove the current column. The Name column, which appears by default in all views, cannot be removed.

Filtros Agrega una pestaña personal a la cinta. The filters available vary depending on the view type.


On the Terminology page, you can customize the terminology used in the Caseware Cloud interface.

To reach the Terminology page, open the Cloud menu () and select Settings | Customization | Terminology.

The Terminology page interface.

Nombre Descripción

Select a language to populate the terminology fields with default values for that language.

Tipo de entidad
  • Internal Entity - entities that represent parts of your organization. Internal entities can represent departments for audit or tax, different offices, subsidiaries or other sections of your organization.

  • Client Entity - entities that represent clients of the organization.

  • Other Entity - entities that represent third-parties that are not clients or part of your organization.

  • Province - a region in a country. Use the appropriate term for your organization or region.

  • Postal Code - a mailing identity. Use the appropriate term for your organization or region.

  • Project/Engagement - the term for an amount of work that your organization completes for a given entity. This change is applied throughout the Cloud interface.

  • Primary tax registration number description - the name or abbreviation for your organization's primary tax.

  • Secondary tax registration number description - the name or abbreviation for your organization's secondary tax.

These fields are only available if you have purchased a CasewareCloud Time license.


On the Positions page, you can customize the default staff positions available to your organization. Default staff positions can be omitted or renamed to suit your organization's requirements.

To reach the Positions page, open the Cloud menu () and select Settings | Customization | Positions.

The Positions page interface.

Tag Management

From the Tag Management page, you can view, create, edit and delete tags. To learn more, see Creating tags.

To reach the Tag Management page, open the Cloud menu () and select Settings | Customization | Tag Management.

Add, edit, or delete tags from the Tag Management section of the Settings page.

To manage the available tags, choose an appropriate category (System-wide, Staff, Contacts, Files or Entities), then either Add a tag or select a tag's checkbox to Edit or Delete it.

Links Management

From the Links Management page, you can manage links that appear in the Cloud menu. Links can be any browser-based resource that you would like your users to have quick access to. To learn more, see Añadir enlaces externos.

To reach the Links page, open the Cloud menu () and select Settings | Customization | Links.

The Links Management interface.

Número Nombre Descripción
Agregar Opens the Add Link dialog.
Editar Editar la tarea seleccionada
Eliminar Elimina el usuario seleccionado.
Move Down / Move Up Move the selected link up or down the list.
Nombre The link name.
URL The link URL. Clicking the link from within Cloud opens the specified URL in a new browser tab.
Staff/Contact check marks A check mark indicates this link can be seen by staff, contacts, or both.

Enable/Disable Features

From the Enable/Disable Features page, you can configure Cloud's Chat feature and enable or disable cloud integrations with third-party services. These integrations enable your organization to associate documents from services outside of Cloud with Cloud entities and activities. In Cloud, the integration of third-party products is called a mashup. To learn more, see Integrar las herramientas de productividad con Caseware Cloud.

Warning:Enabling mashups has privacy and security implications. Ensure that you read the documentation from the third-party provider before enabling mashups.

To reach the Enable/Disable Features page, open the Cloud menu () and select Settings | Customization | Enable/Disable Features.

Nombre Descripción
Google Drive

Enables users to create, attach, and share the following Google file formats from the Activities or Files pages:

  • Google Docs

  • Google Sheets

  • Google Slides

  • Google Drawings

Google Calendar Enables users to sync their Google Calendar events to Cloud for conversion into Time entries.
Google Viewer

Enables users to preview the following file formats within the web browser:

  • Word documents (.docx or .doc)

  • Libro de Excel (*.xlsx)

  • PowerPoint presentations (.pptx)

  • PhotoShop files (.ps)

  • Adobe Illustrator files (.eps and .xps)

Microsoft Office Web Apps Enables users to edit Microsoft Office file formats directly in a browser window using Microsoft Office Web Apps.

Enables users to create, attach, and share the following SharePoint file formats from the Activities or Files pages:

  • SharePoint Word

  • SharePoint Excel

  • SharePoint PowerPoint

After you enable SharePoint mashup, you must enter the server details and admin credentials. Note that integration will fail if two-factor authentication (2FA) is enabled in SharePoint.

SharePoint files are hosted on your SharePoint server. Cloud maintains references to these files with security permissions synchronized on SharePoint and Cloud.


Enables users in your organization to chat with each other in-browser.

After you enable the chat feature, select your preferred option for retaining messages.

Otros Enable or disable products that appear in the Cloud menu, such as Caseware ReviewComp. If you disable a product, any related engagement files will be inaccessible until the product is enabled again.

Configuración Regional

From the Regional Settings page, you can customize the appearance of numeric values, currencies, dates and times.

To reach the Regional Settings page, open the Cloud menu () and select Settings | Customization | Regional Settings.

The Regional Settings section of the Settings page.

Número Nombre Descripción

Sets the appearance of numeric values.

  • Decimal Symbol - the symbol used to denote decimal values.

  • Digit Grouping Symbol - the symbol used to group digits. For example, selecting , would result in one million being rendered as 1,000,000.

  • Negative - the negative numeric format.

Users can override these display settings in their personal settings.


Sets the appearance of the date and time format.

  • Symbol - the symbol used to denote currency values.

  • Positive - the positive currency value format

  • Negative - the negative currency value format.

Fecha y hora

Sets the appearance of the date and time format.

  • Date Format - the date format.

  • Time Format - the time format.

Users can override these display settings in their personal settings.

Phone - Default country calling code

For calls initiated from Cloud using an integrated VoIP service, the default country calling code is added to the phone number if a country code is not specified. The code must be preceded by a +. Por ejemplo:

  • Default country calling code: +1.

  • Contact: Rupert Greer.

  • Business number: 416-916-4500.

By clicking on the Business number for Rupert Greer, the VoIP app dials +1-416-916-4500.

Users can enable VoIP integration in their personal settings.

Custom Entity Properties

From the Custom Entity Properties page, you can add additional properties to describe entities.

To reach the Custom Entity Properties page, open the Cloud menu () and select Settings | Customization | Custom Entity Properties.

The Custom Entity Properties interface.

Número Screen Element Descripción
Agregar nue&vo grupo

Adds a new custom entity properties group.


Save all changes.


Cancel all changes.


Sort the custom entity property or properties group up or down. This affects the order of the property and properties group on the Entity wizard and Entities profile panel.

Properties Group

Displays the name of the custom entity properties group.

Add Property

Adds a custom entity property to the properties group.

Nombre para mostrar:

Displays the name of the custom entity property.


Select the type of value for the custom entity property from the following:

  • Campo en multi-línea

  • URL

  • Correo electrónico:

  • Numérico

  • Moneda

  • Fecha

  • ChartData.ChartType

  • Single line text

Required field

Select to make this field required.


Deletes the property or properties group.

Workflow Management

From the Workflow Management page, you can assign a workflow to a type of content. To learn more, see Creating workflows.

To reach the Workflow Management page, open the Cloud menu () and select Settings | Customization | Workflow Management.

The Workflow Management interface.

Número Nombre Descripción
Manage Workflows Select Manage Workflows to create, edit, and delete workflows.
Tipo de contenido This section lists all the available content types for your organization that can be assigned a workflow.
Assign workflows Select a drop-down menu to assign a workflow to a content type.