Subledger details described
When importing general ledger transactions from a CSV or Excel file, you must map the fields, so the transaction data display properly in the engagement.
This topic describes the fields within the SUBLEDGER DETAILS category that appear in the General ledger dataset.
Note that some fields are mandatory for specific data analytics tests to function properly. To learn more see, Mandatory fields for data analytics.
Identifier Type (identifier_type
Identification type for data within the subledger.
- Less than 2,500 unique values. These values must be tagged to one of:
- CU - Customers
- PE - Prepaid Expenses
- SU - Suppliers
- EM - Employees
- IA - Investment Assets
- OT - Other
- CA - Capital Assets (Fixed Assets)
- IN - Inventory
- DL - Debt Liabilities
Identifier Code (identifier_code
Identifying code for data within the subledger.
Beispiel: Debitorennummer, Kreditorennummer, Mitarbeiternummer.
Beispiele: "C123", "V6589", "6597".
If the identifier type is tagged, this must also be tagged.
Identifier Description (identifier_description
Mit dem Identifikatorcode verknüpfter Name.
Beispiele: "ABC Customer Ltd.", "DEF Purchase Inc.", "Sally Jones".
Identifier Active (identifier_active
Zeigt an, ob der Identifikatorcode aktiv oder inaktiv ist.
Identifier Street (identifier_street
Identifier's street - line 1.
Beispiele: "123 Musterstraße", "Mustergasse 26".
Identifier Street 2 (identifier_address_street2
Anschrift (Details) des Identifikators (Zeile 2).
Beispiele: "Suite 1100", "Unit 002B"
Identifier City (identifier_city
City where the identifier is located in.
Beispiele: "Toronto", "Los Angeles".
Identifier State or Province (identifier_state_or_province
State or province where the identifier is located in.
Beispiele: "Ontario", "Kalifornien".
Identifier Zip or Postal Code (identifier_zip_or_postal_code
Anschrift (Postleitzahl) des Identifikators.
Beispiele: "94704", "M5A 0L6".
Identifier Country (identifier_country
Anschrift (Land) des Identifikators.
Document Number (document_number
Mit dem Ursprungsbeleg verbundener Identifikator. This is the document that supports the transaction entered into the ERP.
Beispiele: "PO4569" for purchase order, "7956" for cheque.
Document Apply to Number (document_Apply_To_Number
Document number associated with the source document used to offset debits and credits. Wird zur Berechnung des offenen Saldos verwendet, wenn die Zahlung, die Vorauszahlung oder die Gutschrift/Lastschrift nicht vollständig erfolgt ist; dies ermöglicht die Berechnung des offenen Postens.
Beispiele: "INV-001", "121296".