What's new - Caseware Audit Winter 2020 (v2.967.0)
Onderstaand volgt een overzicht met de nieuwe functies die eind 2020 aan Caseware Audit zijn toegevoegd.
Consolidation enabled
In een geconsolideerd dossier worden meerdere entiteiten samengevoegd in één opdracht (het moederbedrijf) om zo een geconsolideerde jaarrekening uit te brengen.
See Create a consolidation engagement for more information.
Financial groups mapping added to optimiser
Certain account groups are now not visible by default on the Data page, for example, Farming related groups.
With this release, you can select distinct groups that may be applicable to your engagement from the Mapping procedure in the Planning Optimiser.
When you select a mapping group from the procedure, financial groups associated with that industry become visible in the Data page.
Eenvoudige digitale handtekening
To support scenarios where clients are required to sign documents or accept certain terms during the engagement, Simple Electronic Signature is now available in queries.
Simple Electronic Signature provides a paperless, secure and more efficient method for signing documents. Once you send the query to clients, they can sign the document or agree to terms with a single tap or button click.
Zodra de klant het document accepteert wordt een handtekeningenlogboek aangemaakt. Deze is dan direct beschikbaar om te downloaden. In het logboek staat de volgende informatie:
Details over de vraag;
Naam en e-mail van de ondertekenaar;
Locatie van de ondertekenaar (als de toegang tot de locatie aanstond bij het ondertekenen);
IP-adres van de ondertekenaar;
Datum van ondertekening;
Naam van het document;
MD5-hash van het document.
Dynamic reassignment
Instead of showing a credit balance on the asset side of the Data page, or a debit balance on the liability side, our "flips" function automatically moves the corresponding amount to the appropriate section. You can override this on the Data page or reverse the override as required.
Notes library updated
The content of the Notes library has been updated with new content. This update includes tailoring procedures to help users include or exclude these notes in Financial Statements.
Checklist sign-off warning
Now, if you attempt to sign-off on a document that has procedures that are not signed-off, a warning appears.
General Improvements
The following general improvements have been added for this release.
Increased file upload size limit
You can now upload up to 500MB files to the engagement. Note that this size limit is per file.
Rearranging documents in bulk print
You can now drag-and-drop documents in the bulk print set to rearrange them, so they print in the order you desire.
Note that you can only rearrange documents in groups you define, not in groups predefined by the firm authors or primary authors.
Voor meer informatie, zie Instellingen printen in bulk.
Expand all / collapse all in checklists
You can now expand or collapse all procedure groups in a checklist document. A new Expand All () / Collapse All icon () is available so you can easily and quickly scan the document.
New query layout in the engagement archive
The engagement reference copy output now displays the new query layout.
If signoff is enabled for procedures and conclusion, a warning message now displays if users attempt to sign off on the document while:
One or more visible procedures have not been signed off
The Conclusion section has not been signed off
Visible procedures in the Conclusion section have not been signed off
Risks module
Risk assessments can now be carried forward.
The logic for preparer and reviewer signoff has been enhanced. Gebruikers zonder beheerdersrechten kunnen alleen hun eigen aftekening verwijderen.
A user that has been granted one or more administrator security roles can remove signoffs by other users.
Administrator security roles in Caseware Cloud are:
Beheerder instellingen
Beheerder personeel
Beheerder entiteiten
To learn more, see Assign system wide security roles.
Usability improvements
Better instructions have been added throughout the product to where built-in features may assist in completing your engagement
Better risk creation instructions and prompts have been added
Meals and entertainment grouping structure updated