Activation of staff and contact accounts

New accounts for staff members or contacts are activated differently in Cloud:

  • Staff accounts are activated immediately after their account is added to the system.
  • Contact accounts are activated after the added contact is assigned the Entity Collaborator role on an entity.

Activation Emails

Activating either account type may prompt the system to send an activation email to the user. The activation email includes both your Cloud URL and a link to a page where they can set their account password. This information must be provided separately to the staff or contact if the activation email is not sent.

Determining if the activation email is sent depends on how the staff or contact was added to the system. Both the staff and contact forms provide a password field and an administrator has the option of specifying a password or leaving the password field blank.

  • When a password is not specified the system automatically sends an activation email to the staff or contact when their account is activated.
  • When a password is specified the system does not send an activation email to the staff or contact at all. In this case, the initial password and Cloud URL must be provided separately.


The following table summarizes the system behavior when activating staff or contact accounts:

Password Field System Behavior
Password is not specified
  • For Staff: Activation email is automatically sent to the staff email address after their account is added to the system.
  • For Contacts: Activation email is automatically sent to the contact email address after they are assigned the Entity Collaborator role on an entity in the system.
Password is specified

Activation email is not sent for either staff or contacts.

Note: You must provide the staff member with your Cloud URL and their initial password.