Request a review and signoff

Content in this topic requires Caseware Audit.

To notify the reviewing staff member that a document is ready for review, add a document issue and assign it to them.

To add an issue:

  1. With the document open, select the Issue icon ().

  2. In the text field, enter a message for the reviewer.

    Tipp: You can tag a staff member by entering @ followed by their name. If they have access to the document, their name displays in the Quick List. Select their name to tag them in the issue's description.

  3. In the drop-down, select the issue type.

  4. Select Create issue.

    An example issue requesting the review of a document.

  5. The issue displays in the document. It also displays on the Issues and Documents page.

When all required roles sign off on a document, a green check mark displays next to the document () on the Documents page. The progress indicator for the Planning phase is also updated. Each phase has its own progress indicator that shows the document signoff progress. You can hover over the progress indicator to view how many documents are Outstanding, Prepared or Reviewed.

The Progress Indicator for the Planning phase of an Audit engagement.

Note: You can change the signoff workflow for a document by creating custom signoff roles and schemes. To learn more, see Define signoff roles and Set up signoff schemes.