Acceder a los ajustes del producto

In the Product Settings window, you can change the default product settings for display options and formats. You can also enable and disable features to better suit the needs of your firm.

Acceder a los ajustes del producto

  1. Ensure that you have the Settings Admin role or similar. For more information, see Built-in roles and Assign security roles.

  2. From the Cloud menu (), select Settings () | <your product name> | Manage Template.

  3. Editar la plantilla de la empresa

  4. To learn more, see Edit the firm template.

  5. Select the Information icon () at the top menu, then choose Settings.

    The Product Settings dialog opens.

Staff members can also customize the following settings for display options and formats in an engagement file:

  • Moneda

  • Formato de fecha

  • Number settings

  • Unidad de medida

Customizations made by staff members are preserved when the engagement file is carried forward.

To access the engagement settings as a staff member, open an engagement file and select the Information icon () at the top menu, then choose Settings.