Get started with Caseware Taxflow - Staff

Hinweis: Caseware Taxflow supports 2022 tax exports for CCH (Axcess / Prosystem fx) for C-Corporations, S-Corporations and Partnerships.

Before you get started with Caseware Taxflow, ensure that your firm administrator completes the necessary prerequisites.

Melden Sie sich zunächst bei der Cloud-Instanz Ihres Unternehmens an. As a staff member, the actions you can perform include:

  1. Start the engagement.

  2. Plan the engagement.

  3. Import the client's financial data.

  4. Review assigned tax groups to the financial accounts.

  5. Post tax adjustments.

  6. Review tax schedules.

  7. Export final tax balances.

  8. Complete the engagement.

  9. Archive and lock down the engagement.