Review changes made to risks
Dit artikel betreft Caseware Audit.
The Risks tab displays a list of the risks identified in your engagement, where you can view, add, modify and delete risks.
If your documents have signoffs enabled, you can use review tools to review changes made to risks. Voor meer informatie, zie Aftekenrollen opstellen en Aftekenniveaus aanmaken.
After a reviewer has signed off on your risks, the following review tools are available:
Added - Marks risks that have been added.
Modified - Marks risks that have been modified.
Deleted - Marks risks that have been deleted.
To review changes made to risks:
In the Risks tab, select the Review icon (
Turn on Review tools.
U kunt zelf aanvinken welke hulpmiddelen u wel of niet wilt gebruiken.
Note that a count displays next to each review tool. For example, if one risk was modified, the number 1 displays beside the Modified review tool.
To remove the Review tools notifications, select CLEAR NOTIFICATION.