Uso de herramientas de revisión

Review tools apply visual markup to the document, making potential issues with content stand out on the page so you can complete your review more quickly.

Review tools are available in checklists, letters and financial statements.

Note: Changes made to guidance information are not tracked by review tools.

Review content changes in a letter

The following review tools are available in letters:

  • New content () - Content that has been added by staff members.

  • Excluded content () - Content that's been excluded by staff members.

  • Text area changes () - Modifications made by staff members in text sections that are part of the default content that comes with the product.

  • Dynamic table changes () - Modifications made by staff members to dynamic tables that are part of the default content that comes with the product.

  • Overwritten balances () - marks rows with overridden balances.

  • Balance check () - marks rows that have been compared to each other.

    For each area in the letter, rows with disagreeing balances are marked with a stop sign () while rows with agreeing balances are marked with a green checkmark ().

To review changes in a letter:

  1. In the Document Map, select theReview Tools () icon and then select the Review Tools toggle.

  2. You can display different review content by selecting the appropriate check boxes for each review tool in the popup. Select the number next to the check box to automatically jump to the next flagged item for that review tool.

Review content changes in a checklist

The following review tools are available in checklists:

Herramientas Descripción

Contenido predefinido agregado

Content that had been manually forced visible by staff members.

Se ha añadido contenido creado por el encargo Content that was created by staff members.


Changes made to the default product content by staff members.

Eliminado Content that was added by staff members before review and then deleted after review. This review tool is only available when using the Changes since last review option.

Anulado para excluir

Content that has been manually hidden by staff members.

Optimizado para excluir

Content that has been automatically hidden based on its visibility conditions.

Respuestas no óptimas

Responses that may require further investigation as they are not the expected response to the procedure. This review tool is only available when using the Changes since engagement creation option.

Respuestas modificadas

When using the Changes since last review option, this tool indicates responses that were changed after reviewer signoff.

When using the Changes since engagement creation option, this tool indicates responses carried forward from the prior year's file that were modified in the current year's file.

No aprobado

Steps that have not been signed off by staff members. This review tool is only available when using the Changes since engagement creation option.

To review changes in a checklist:

  1. At the top right of the document, select the Review icon ().

    Note: If the Modified since last review option is turned on in the Documents page and you open a checklist that has been modified after reviewer signoff, the Review tools dialog opens automatically, unless you have previously toggled off review tools.

  2. Select the Review tools toggle to turn on review tools.

    The Review tools toggle.

  3. If the checklist was modified after reviewer signoff, select whether to view Changes since last review or Changes since engagement creation from the dropdown.

    Note: If no modifications were made to the checklist to the checklist after reviewer signoff, the review tools dialog automatically displays the changes made since engagement creation and the dropdown is not available.

    The Review Tools drop-down.

    You can display different review content by selecting the appropriate check boxes in review tools dialog. Select the number next to the check box to automatically jump to the next flagged item for that review tool.

If changes were made to the checklist after reviewer signoff, the reviewer can clear the Modified since last review notification, once they have reviewed the modifications.

When you clear the notification, the Changes since last review option is no longer available in the review tools and information about changes made since the last review is permanently deleted.

To clear the notification, select CLEAR NOTIFICATION in either the Documents page or the checklist review tools.

La opción Papelera de reciclaje de la página Documentos.

Review content changes in the financial statements document

The following review tools are available in the financial statements document:

  • New content () - Content that has been added by staff members.

  • Excluded content () - Content that's been excluded by staff members.

  • Text area changes () - Modifications made by staff members in text sections that are part of the default content that comes with the product.

  • Dynamic table changes () - Modifications made by staff members to dynamic tables that are part of the default content that comes with the product.

  • Overwritten balances () - marks rows with overridden balances.

  • Balance check () - marks rows that have been compared to each other.

    For each area in the financial statement, rows with disagreeing balances are marked with a stop sign () while rows with agreeing balances are marked with a green checkmark ().

To review changes in a financial statements document:

  1. Select Review Tools () at the Document Map.

    The Review Tools popup displays.

    Note: To help notice and reconcile disagreeing balances, the Review Tools icon displays with a red dot () if there are balance discrepancies identified in the document.

  2. Enable the review tools by selecting the Review Tools toggle.

    How to enable Review Tools.

    The icon changes to an active state ().

  3. Choose the tools that you want to view on the page using the check boxes. Select the number next to the check box to automatically jump to the next flagged item for that review tool.

  4. Select the Review Tools icon again to close the popup.

    The number of changes in each financial statements area displays (if available).

    Number of changes in each financial statement area displays next to the area title.

  5. Select an area to review the changes.

    Changes in the selected area are marked with the applicable review tool icon.

    Changes in the selected area marked with the applicable Review Tool.