Modify sign-off schemes
Content in this topic requires Caseware ReviewComp.
Caseware ReviewComp offers the ability to customize sign-off schemes. Custom sign-off schemes are the applicable combination of required preparer and reviewer roles for a specific document or group of documents.
ReviewComp has four signoff schemes:
- Preparador
- Preparer and Reviewer - default
- Preparer, Reviewer and Partner
- Preparer and Partner
If your firm requires additional schemes, you can create as many new schemes as your firm requires. Before you create a custom sign-off scheme, we recommend you modify your custom roles. To learn more, see Modify sign-off roles. To view or customize your sign-off schemes, select the Information icon () at the top menu, then select Settings to open the Engagement Settings dialog.
To define signoff schemes:
Go to Signoffs | Schemes.
Select +Scheme to add a new scheme.
You can also modify the default signoff schemes.
Select New Scheme and enter a new scheme name.
You can select MAKE A COPY to duplicate and modify an existing signoff scheme.
Select +Roles and select or deselect the applicable roles.
You can delete a scheme by selecting the (). Note that you cannot delete the default scheme, but you can modify it as required.
Once you’re done, you can assign the custom sign-off schemes to documents as required. To learn more, see Define a document’s sign-off scheme.