Modify sign-off roles

Content in this topic requires Caseware ReviewComp.

Caseware ReviewComp offers the ability to customize sign-off roles. Custom sign-off roles allow you to define labels for preparer and reviewer roles that can also be used to create custom sign-off schemes.

ReviewComp has three default roles:

  • Preparado por

  • Revisado por

  • Partner Reviewed By

If your firm requires additional role types, you can create as many new roles as your firm requires. To view or customize your sign-off roles, select the Information icon () at the top menu, then select Settings to open the Engagement Settings dialog.

To define sign-off roles:

  1. Go to Signoffs | Roles.

  2. Select +Roles to add a new role.

    You can also modify the default roles.

  3. Enter the name of the new role and select either Prepare or Review to define the role as either a preparer or reviewer role.

  4. Select Multiple Signoff if you want to allow more than one user to sign off on the role for a document.

Definir las funciones de aprobación

You can use the arrows () to reorder your roles. You can delete a role by selecting the ().

Once you define custom roles, you can create custom sign-off schemes to track the required reviewer and preparer workflows on a document. To learn more, see Modify sign-off schemes.

Tip: During your workflow, you’ll receive a reminder to sign off on your documents before proceeding to the next form. You can modify the settings from the sign-off prompt question in the 010 Planning optimiser document.