Crear un documento de consulta

To request information from clients, add a query in your engagement.

A query is an interactive smart document that consists of the following components:

  • Query questions - The requests and inquiries that clients need to respond to.

  • Question sets - To group related query questions.

  • Response types - To specify the expected user response. The following table describes the available response types:

    Tipo de respuesta

    Expected user response


    Especifique los siguientes detalles:

    Lista de selección

    Select one item from the drop-down list.

    Lista de selección múltiple

    Select one or more items from the drop-down list.

    Carga de archivo

    Browse and add a requested file (or drag and drop the file).

    Note: The maximum upload size is 500 MB per file. For a secure file exchange, the system prevents upload of suspicious files, such as: .com, .bat, .exe, .cmd, .sh, .dll, .so, .o, .deb, .msi, .rpm, .ko, .sys, .php, .py, .vbs, .js, .app.


    Seleccione un panel de información de la lista.

    Firma electrónica simple

    Note: This response type is only available if it is enabled in your Cloud app.

    Choose whether to sign the document manually or accept it electronically. Tenga en cuenta que:

    • If clients accept the document electronically, a signature log is generated and available for download.

    • If necessary, users can delete and replace the document before they accept the client's response.

    • When the document is replaced, the signature log is deleted. A new log is generated when clients accept the new document.

    • The log includes the following information:

      • Query question details

      • Signer name and email

      • Signer location (if the clients have chosen to enable location access)

      • Signer IP Address

      • Signature date

      • Título

      • Document MD5 hash

  • Instructions - To provide guidance information for the clients. For example, add the supported file types for a document request.

To add a query in the engagement:

  1. Go to the Documents page, then select the Add () | Query.

  2. Select a query from the available templates and enter a name for the document.

  3. Note: You can also select a blank query but we recommend that you use the templates available in your product.

  4. Select Create Query.

  5. A new query is added in the engagement based on the selected template.

  6. Review the content and make any necessary changes if needed. Para más información, consulte Añadir zonas.

You can terminate a query at any point in time as long as its status is not Complete. Select More actions () | Cancel query to terminate a query. The query status changes to Cancelled. Canceled queries are no longer visible in Cloud to the assigned contacts.

Note: You cannot make any changes to the content or status of a Cancelled query. You can only modify the name of the query and its visibility settings. In the Documents page, select More actions () | Edit to change the query name and edit visibility settings.