Collect the initial information and documents from the client

Dit artikel betreft Caseware Audit.

Meer informatie over Caseware Audit.

The 020 Optimiser - Initial client queries is a checklist that presents suggestions about client inquiries and document requests. Complete this checklist to specify:

  • What questions or document requests you initially require from your client.
  • The expected client response. For example, manually entering the response, uploading a file or choosing an answer from a list of available options.

Send the initial request for information and documents

As you complete the checklist, the 030 Client queries - Initial client queries document populates with content and a link to it displays in the Next Step section. Proceed to the 030 Client queries - Initial client queries document and review the content before you send it to the client.

Let op: You can make changes to the automatically generated content in the 030 Client queries - Initial client queries document, if needed. To learn more, see the Queries section.

To send the 030 Client queries document to your clients:

  1. Open the 030 Client queries - Initial client queries document.
  2. In the top-right corner of the document, select SEND.
  3. The Open Query dialog opens.
    Select a Query Due Date.
  4. Specify the contacts assigned to the engagement (or simply assign it to all contacts associated with the entity.)
  5. Enter an appropriate email message.
  6. Klik op OK.

Client contacts receive an email with your message and a link to the engagement, where they can access the 030 Client queries - Initial client queries document and respond.

Send the confirmation letters

If you've answered Yes in the Confirmation letters section in the 020 Optimiser, you can select any of the following confirmation letters to display from the drop-down that appears:

  • 080 Bank confirmation template
  • 081 Loan receivable confirmation template
  • 082 Loan payable confirmation template

Use the LET-CWQ Client queries - Confirmation letters query document to send the confirmation letters templates to your client.

To learn more about the staff-contact collaboration workflow through query documents, see Staff-contact collaboration (Queries).