De opdracht aanmaken
The first step is to create an engagement file.
To create a Caseware Audit International engagement:
From the Cloud menu (
), select Audit International.
Select the entity that you will be auditing from the drop-down menu.
Klik op Nieuw.
Enter a Name for the engagement and any other optional information, then select Save.
The Engagement Properties dialog displays. To learn more, see Create an engagement file.
Edit as desired and select Save.
The Documents page displays.
The Documents page contains a series of checklist documents that are tailored for the specific engagement. Documents are organized in folders. Voor meer informatie, zie Werken met documenten in een opdracht.
Depending on the responses you provide in checklist documents, the following folders can be available in the Documents page:
- Planning
- Risicobeoordeling
- Risk Response
- Plans and Procedures
- Completion
- Permanent File
When you create a new engagement, the Documents page contains minimal content. More documents become available based on your responses to the various procedures.
For example, if you select Procedures as a response in the Timing of Engagement section in the A300 Overall audit strategy checklist, you get a link to the A400 Team planning discussions document. If you answer Procedures in the Susceptibility of the financial statements to material misstatements due to fraud or error section in the same document, you get a link to A405 Planned risk assessment procedures, A410 Worksheet - Fraud scenarios and B405 Identifying fraud risks.