Data linkage and real time updates in Cloud Connector
Note: Your firm administrator must purchase and enable Caseware Cloud Connector for your account.
If a data value changes in the engagement, the change is automatically reflected in the excel file.
Note: If you want to share a copy of the current excel file and do not want the data to update as the engagement file is updated, you can use the Duplicate & Unlink option. This will create a copy of the spreadsheets that does not include formulas which you can use to backup information or send it to clients. Note that protected sheets cannot be duplicated.
You insert the name for the trial balance group Cash in the excel file using the Caseware Cloud Connector Add-in.
As you're working on your engagement, you modify the group name to be Cash and cash equivalents.
You'll notice that Cash has automatically changed to Cash and cash equivalents automatically displays in the excel file.
However, if you modify a group number in your engagement, the change is not automatically reflected in data you've inserted the excel file. You must re-insert the data in the excel file.
You insert the name of the trial balance group Cash in the excel file using the Caseware Cloud Connector Add-in.
As you're working on your engagement, you modify the group number for Cash.
You'll notice that the cell now displays an incorrect name or no value.
To fix, delete the existing value and re-insert the name of the trial balance group Cash in the excel file.