Get CloudBridge

CloudBridge is a utility that enables you to transfer data from Working Papers engagements to Cloud.

Note: To request the installer for CloudBridge, determine the version that meets your organization's unique requirements from the options listed below, then contact your Caseware representative or email Caseware Support.

CloudBridge (All regions, Bulk)

This version of CloudBridge is:

  • Intended for apps from all regions.

  • Used to transfer data from multiple Working Papers engagements to Cloud.

  • Standalone; it does not need to be added to any Working Papers engagements.

  • Suitable for an organization-wide migration to Cloud.

To request this version, contact your Caseware representative or email Caseware Support.

CloudBridge (Canada, Single)

This version of CloudBridge is:

  • Intended for Canadian apps, such as Caseware Audit.

  • Used to transfer data from an individual Working Papers engagement to Cloud.

  • Added directly to the Working Papers engagement from the Document Library.

  • Suitable for a gradual migration to Cloud.

To request this version, contact your Caseware representative or email Caseware Support.

Note: If you're looking for the US version of CloudBridge, change the region selector at the top-right of the page to English (US).

OnPoint CloudBridge (USA, Single)

This version of CloudBridge is:

  • Intended for USA apps, such as OnPoint PCR or OnPoint Audit.

  • Used to transfer data from an individual Working Papers engagement to Cloud.

  • Added directly to the Working Papers engagement from the Document Library.

  • Suitable for a gradual migration to Cloud.

To request this version, contact your Caseware representative or email Caseware Support.

Note: If you're looking for the Canadian version of CloudBridge, change the region selector at the top-right of the page to English (Canada).