What's new - Caseware ReviewComp Fall 2020 (Version 1.1680.0)

Here is a listing of what's new for the Fall 2020 release of Caseware ReviewComp.

Enclosure letter in tax engagements

An enclosure letter is now available in corporate tax engagements in the Client communication folder. The letter details key findings, such as taxes payable, installment amounts and key dates.

Enhanced Tax Optimiser Checklist navigation

Tabs now available in the TOC.To eliminate scrolling through a long document, tabs are now available in the Tax Optimiser Checklist (TOC) so you can easily navigate through the sections.

Tabulador: {TOC}

Watermark in print settings

You can now add a watermark in the financial statements. The Apply watermark option is now available in the document print settings. Once you enable this option, you can add the content of the watermark in the associated text field. To learn more, see Print the financial statements document.

Watermark in Print Settings.

Sign off on adjustments and trial balance

You can now sign off on the trial balance and adjusting entries. To learn more, see Sign off on the trial balance and adjustments.

Signoff in the Adjustments page.

Subfolders in the Documents page

For an enhanced document presentation and access, subfolders are now available in the Documents page to further group related items. To learn more, see Manage the engagement documents.

Subfolder structuring used to organize and group related documents.