Caseware Cloud data information

Caseware Cloud provides easy storage of your files for use with the Caseware line of products.

Where is my data stored?

All subscriber data is stored in the production cloud environment. Use of customer data in non-production environments is controlled through secure data-handling processes, which require explicitly documented approval from the customers whose data is affected, and must comply with legal and regulatory requirements for scrubbing of sensitive data elements.

There is a designated operations team responsible for all operational functions regarding the infrastructure and storage with assigned responsibilities that have been defined, documented, and communicated.

Caseware Cloud is hosted on Amazon web servers around the world. Upon subscribing to Caseware Cloud services, clients are informed of the jurisdiction in which the server that has been allocated to host your subscriber data and personal information is located. You may consent to such allocation, or refuse a server so allocated.

For performance reasons, we'll typically set you up in:

  • United States/North Virginia if you're located in the United States or South America
  • Canada/Montreal if you're located in Canada
  • Australia/New South Wales if you're located in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Ireland/Leinster if you're located in any other region

How can I find details of my current data use?

Details of the data stored in your Cloud account are catalogued for your reference. You can view the current and peak data amounts as well as a number of other statistics.

To find details of your current data use:

  1. Ensure that you have the Staff: Admin role or equivalent rights.

  2. From the Cloud menu, select Settings.

  3. From the menu, select System | Site Statistics.

    Site Statistics and details

The site statistics pane will display the details of your current data usage.

How long is data retained after deactivation?

Deactivated Cloud accounts retain all data being hosted at the time of deactivation. If a deactivated account is reinstated, the data will become accessible once more.

At this time there is no expiry date for stored data. If you wish to fully delete your Cloud account and all associated data, you can request this by contacting Note that once deleted, the account and data cannot be recovered.