Engagementdokumente verwalten

Während Sie an Ihrer Engagementdatei arbeiten, werden Sie viele Arbeitsprogramme ausfüllen, Briefe verfassen und Kundenanfragen stellen. Alle beteiligten Dokumente werden auf der Seite Dokumente angezeigt.

Die Dokumente sind nach der Phase des Engagements gruppiert, in der sie abgeschlossen werden. Neben jeder dieser übergeordneten Gruppierungen zeigt eine Fortschrittsanzeige in Prozent an, wie viel Arbeit in der jeweiligen Phase bereits erledigt wurde. Der Prozentsatz der Fertigstellung wird dadurch bestimmt, wie viele Dokumente geprüft und abgezeichnet wurden.

Innerhalb dieser übergeordneten Gruppierungen sind die Dokumente auch in Ordnern organisiert. Ordnernamen haben eine andere Schriftfarbe, und Sie können den Ordnernamen auswählen, um alle darunter befindlichen Dokumente ein- oder auszublenden.

Die Dokumente werden kontextabhängig angezeigt: Wenn Sie Informationen in die Planungsdokumente eingeben, werden andere Dokumente, die für Ihre Akte relevant sind, auf der Seite Dokumente hinzugefügt.

Ein Dokument erstellen oder hochladen

Um der Client-Datei ein Dokument hinzuzufügen, wählen Sie das Symbol Dokument hinzufügen () neben der übergeordneten Gruppierung. This button is also displayed when you hover over folders, enabling you to add documents directly to the proper folder.

You can choose one of the following options:

  • Create a new document - choose one of the built-in document types to add it to your client file. You can also create new folders to organize your documents page, or create placeholder documents to represent files that you will add later in the engagement.

  • Upload a file - upload a file from your computer to the engagement file. See System requirements for information on the supported MS Office versions.

    Hinweis: The maximum upload size for files is 500 MB per file.

  • Copy a file from Cloud - add a copy of a file from the client entity in Cloud to the engagement file.

You can also drag and drop files from your computer to a folder or placeholder to upload them.

Note: You cannot use drag and drop to upload files from your computer to a phase.

Replace external documents

Sie können externe Dokumente, wie z. B. PDFs, Word- und Excel-Dateien, die Sie in das Engagement hochgeladen haben, nicht ersetzen.

Hinweis: Die Versionierung von Dokumenten wird nicht unterstützt (eine Versionshistorie bleibt nicht erhalten).

To replace an external document:

  1. From the top menu, select Documents.

  2. Go to the document you want to replace.

  3. To replace the file, you can:

    • Drag and drop the new file from your computer onto the old file.

    • Use the More actions () menu to upload the file.

      1. Select More actions () | Replace.

      2. Wählen Sie die hochzuladende Datei aus und wählen Sie dann Öffnen.

  4. Select whether to remove pre-existing signoffs or retain them.

    The Replace File dialog.

  5. Select CONFIRM.

Rearrange documents

You can move documents to different folders and subfolders to better organize your engagement content. The order of documents within folders and subfolders is determined automatically based on the document name and number.

To rearrange documents:

  1. Locate the document you want to move and select More actions () | Move.

    Blue arrows display on the page marking suggestions for locations where you can move the document.

  2. Select the blue arrow icon () next to the folder or subfolder where you want to move the selected document.

You have moved the document to a different folder.

Note: You can also drag and drop documents to rearrange them. Select a document and drag it into the desired location.

Rearrange folders

You can move folders and subfolders to better present and organize the documents in your engagement.

To move a folder or subfolder:

  1. Select Edit ().

    Edit mode in the Documents page.

  2. Go to the folder or subfolder that you want to move and select More actions () | Move.

    Blue arrows display on the page marking suggestions for locations where you can move the folder (or subfolder).

    Blue arrows mark suggestions for locations to move the folder.

  3. Select a blue arrow () to move the folder or subfolder to the location that the arrow marks.

  4. Once you're done, select Edit () to exit edit mode.

Hide a document

If your engagement file includes any documents that you will not need to complete, you can hide them on the Documents page.

To hide a document:

When you hover your cursor over a document, the visibility icon () is displayed. Select visibility () to display the visibility pop-up.

You can view the document's visibility conditions (if available) at the pop-up. Select Hide to hide the document.

Once a document is hidden, it is no longer displayed on the Documents page for any users in the current engagement.

If you need to review hidden documents, select the More actions button on the Documents toolbar, then select the checkbox beside Hidden Items.

Hinweis: You can only display hidden items in an unlocked engagement. To unlock an engagement, select the entity name at the top left corner of the page to open the Engagement Properties dialog, then select Unlock.

Once hidden items are being displayed, you can make hidden documents visible by selecting the visibility icon and then selecting Show.

Add a link in the engagement file

You can add an external link to an engagement file to include help videos for your clients or other supplementary information.

So fügen Sie eine Verknüpfung in die Engagementdatei ein:

  1. Öffnen Sie die Engagementdatei.

  2. Wählen Sie Dokumente aus dem oberen Menü.

  3. Klicken Sie auf das Symbol Ein Dokument erstellen () und anschließend auf Verknüpfung.

  4. Der Dialog Dokumenteneigenschaften wird angezeigt.

  5. Geben Sie eine Kennung für den Link in das Feld Kennung ein.
  6. Geben Sie in das Feld Name einen Titel für den Link ein.

  7. Wenn Sie keinen Titel hinzufügen, wird in der Engagementdatei ein Standardtitel für den Link angezeigt.

  8. Geben Sie die Webadresse für den Link in das Feld URL ein.

  9. Klicken Sie auf Speichern.

  10. Sie können Anzeigeeinstellung bearbeiten wählen, um die Sichtbarkeitsbedingungen für die hinzugefügten Verknüpfungen zu ändern.

Create and review issues

You can create notes for particular documents directly from the Documents page. When you move your cursor over a document line, the Issues icon () is displayed.

To add an issue for a document in the engagement:

  1. Wählen Sie das Symbol Aufgaben ().

  2. In the text box, enter a description for your issue.

  3. Select the issue type from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the editor.

    Drop-down menu displaying the issue types.

  4. Auswahl von Aufgabe erstellen.

You have created a new issue for the selected document.

If members of your engagement team have created notes on documents, the total number of added notes displays at the note icon as shown below. Select the note icon to review the notes and take the appropriate action (Reply, Resolve, or Clear).

The notes that display when you click the Notes icon

Sign off on a document

You can sign off on documents directly from the Documents page. Each document has a sign-off icon that indicates its status:

  • Not signed off ()

  • Prepared ()

  • Reviewed ()

Select the sign-off icon to review when the document was signed off, to sign off on a role, or to remove a prior sign-off.

The sign-off status pop-up for a document.

Save a copy of a document to Cloud

You can save a copy of a document to Cloud to make a copy that other staff can access outside of the engagement.

To save a copy of a document, go to the desired document and select More actions () | Save to Cloud.

A PDF version of the file is created and automatically added to the Files page for your client entity in Cloud.

Locate and access documents in the engagement file

You can access documents related to each task on the right panel of the engagement file. Similar to the Documents page, the right panel allows you to access all your documents grouped by engagement stage. Within the groups, documents are also organized in folders. When you open a document, your documents remain displayed in the panel for easy access.

Document panel.

Additionally, you can use the following features in the right panel to help you locate specific information or documents for your engagement work:

  • Recent - Access documents that you've opened recently. If you use one of the recent documents often while completing an engagement, you can select the pin icon () beside it to pin the document to the top of the panel for convenient access.

  • Search - Search for visible documents based on the document name.

You can open and close the right panel by selecting the arrow () at the bottom or the () icon at the top. Within the right panel, you can also expand and collapse the listed documents as well as the panel's other features by selecting the arrows () beside them.

In addition to the document panel, you can use the search option in the top menu to locate documents. This option allows you to:

  • Search for documents based on the document name, number and content

  • Search for other content, such as risks, controls and adjustments.

Matching results display as you enter a keyword for search.

Note: Hidden documents and content are not included in search results.

The search option in the top menu. Note that matching results display as you type the search keyword.

Once you've opened a document, you may see a list of its sections on the Document Map left panel, depending on the formatting applied to the document. You can select a section to jump directly to it. This saves you from having to scroll through a lengthy document, such as the financial statement, to view the relevant section.

The documents map is visible on the left

Set up Bulk Print

In the Documents page, you can use the Print () | Bulk Print Settings option to merge and print the documents as a single PDF file.

To create a document group:

  1. From the Documents page, Select Print () | Bulk Print Settings.

    The Bulk Print Settings dialog displays.

  2. Select + NEW DOCUMENT GROUP, then enter a name for the new group.

    Tipp: You can select () to delete a group.

  3. Select + ADD DOCUMENT.

    A list of the available documents displays.

  4. Select a document from the list to add to the group

    Hinweis: You can include the same document in more than one group.

    Tipp: You can select and drag () to reorganize or select () to remove a document from the group. You can only rearrange documents in groups that you define. Firm authors cannot rearrange documents in groups predefined by primary authors. Users cannot rearrange documents in groups predefined by the firm authors or primary authors.

  5. Once you're done, select Close.

    The document group displays in the Print () drop-down. It also displays in each document within the group.

    Bulk print drop-down from individual document