Accounts receivable—customers described

When importing subledger transactions from a CSV or Excel file you must assign fields in the file to Caseware fields in the subledger dataset type you select on import, so that the transaction data displays correctly in the engagement. This topic details the fields in the Accounts receivable—customers subledger.

For more information on the subledger dataset descriptions, see Understand subledger data.

For more information on importing transaction data from CSV files, see Import the client’s transactions from a CSV.

Feld Usage
Customer Account ID (ar_customer_customer_account_id)

The identifier of the customer from whom payment is expected or to whom unused credits have been applied.

Data type: Text

Required: Ja

Primary key: The value of this field is used to form the unique identifier of this entry.

Customer Account Name (ar_customer_customer_account_name) Name des Debitors.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Primary key: First alternate. If Customer Account ID is not present in the data, the value of this field is concatenated with the values of the other alternate fields to form the unique identifier of the entry, for example <FirstAlternate>-<SecondAlternate>-<ThirdAlternate>

Customer Group (ar_customer_customer_group) Gruppe, der dieser Debitor zugeordnet ist (wenn das Unternehmen die Debitoren in Gruppen unterteilt).

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Physical Street Address Line 1 (ar_customer_customer_physical_street_address1) Anschrift (Straße) des Debitors (Zeile 1).

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Physical Street Address Line 2 (ar_customer_customer_physical_street_address2) Anschrift (Straße) des Debitors (Zeile 2).

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Physical City (ar_customer_customer_physical_city) Anschrift (Ort) des Debitors.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Physical State Province (ar_customer_customer_physical_state_province) Anschrift (Bundesland) des Debitors.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Physical Zip Postal Code (ar_customer_customer_physical_zip_postal_code) Anschrift (Postleitzahl) des Debitors.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Physical Country (ar_customer_customer_physical_country) Anschrift (Land) des Debitors.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer TIN (ar_customer_customer_tin) Steuernummer des Debitors.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Billing Address Line 1 (ar_customer_customer_billing_address1) Rechnungsanschrift (Straße) des Debitors (Zeile 1)

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Billing Address Line 2 (ar_customer_customer_billing_address2) The billing address line 2 of the customer.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Billing City (ar_customer_customer_billing_city) The billing city of the customer.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Billing State Province (ar_customer_customer_billing_state_province) Rechnungsanschrift (Bundesland) des Debitors.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Billing Zip Postal Code (ar_customer_customer_billing_zip_postal_code) The billing zip code of the customer’s city.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Billing Country (ar_customer_customer_billing_country) Rechnungsanschrift (Land) des Debitors.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Active Date (ar_customer_active_date)

Datum, an dem der Debitor aktiviert wurde.

Data type: Datum

Required: Nein

Inactive Date (ar_customer_inactive_date)

The date the customer was declared inactive.

Data type: Datum

Required: Nein

Transaction Credit Limit (ar_customer_transaction_credit_limit)

Mit diesem Debitor vereinbartes Kreditlimit pro Rechnung.

Data type: Money

Required: Nein

Overall Credit Limit (ar_customer_overall_credit_limit)

Mit dem Debitor vereinbartes Gesamtkreditlimit.

Data type: Money

Required: Nein

Invoice Terms Discount Percentage (ar_customer_terms_discount_percentage)

Skonto in Prozent, das der Debitor in Anspruch nehmen kann, wenn eine Rechnung innerhalb einer bestimmten Anzahl von Tagen bezahlt wird.

Data type: Decimal

Required: Nein

Invoice Terms Discount Days (ar_customer_terms_discount_days)

Vereinbarte Skontotage

Data type: Integer

Required: Nein

Invoice Term Due Days (ar_customer_terms_due_days)

Anzahl der Tage, die zur Zahlung gewährt werden, bevor eine Rechnung überfällig wird.

Data type: Integer

Required: Nein

Primary Contact Name (ar_customer_primary_contact_name) Name der primären Kontaktperson des Debitors.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Primary Contact Phone (ar_customer_primary_contact_phone) Telefonnummer der primären Kontaktperson des Debitors.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Primary Contact Email (ar_customer_primary_contact_email) E-Mail-Adresse der primären Kontaktperson des Debitors.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Parent Customer ID (ar_customer_parent_customer_id) The unique identifier for the parent customer.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Corresponding Supplier ID (ar_customer_corresponding_supplier_id) The unique identifier for the corresponding supplier in case that the customer is also a supplier.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Customer Type ID (ar_customer_type_id) The unique identifier for the customer type.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Entered By (ar_customer_entered_by) The user identifier of the person who created the record.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Entered Date (ar_customer_entered_date)

The date the order was entered into the source system. Dies wird gelegentlich auch als Erstellungsdatum bezeichnet.

Data type: Datum

Required: Nein

Entered Time (ar_customer_entered_time)

The time this transaction was entered into the source system.

Data type: Date/time

Required: Nein

Approved By (ar_customer_approved_by) The user identifier of the person who approved customer master additions or changes.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Approval Date (ar_customer_approved_by_date)

Datum, an dem die Ergänzungen oder Änderungen des Debitorenstamms genehmigt wurden.

Data type: Datum

Required: Nein

Approval Time (ar_customer_approved_by_time)

Uhrzeit, zu der der Eintrag freigegeben wurde.

Data type: Date/time

Required: Nein

Last Modified By (ar_customer_last_modified_by) The user identifier of the last person to modify this entry.

Data type: Text

Required: Nein

Last Modified Date (ar_customer_last_modified_date)


Datum, an dem der Debitorendatensatz zum letzten Mal geändert wurde.

Data type: Datum

Required: Nein

Last Modified Time (ar_customer_last_modified_time)

Uhrzeit, zu der der Eintrag zum letzten Mal geändert wurde.

Data type: Date/time

Required: Nein