Rounding setup recommendations

In Engagement Settings, where you have rounding set up in Format | Numbers, follow these recommendations for settings found in Features | Financial Statements.

To start, select the Information icon () at the top menu, then choose Settings. The Engagement Settings dialog opens, where you can view and customize settings if needed.

To check your rounding setup:

  1. Go to Format | Numbers. Note the value that Decimals is set to.

  2. Deselect the Use decimal settings in dynamic tables option if it is selected.

Reviewing the settings related to rounding on the Format | Numbers tab of Engagement Settings.

  1. Go to Features | Financial Statements.

  2. Select Enable rounding in financial statements if it is not selected.

  3. The recommended setting for Display decimal places depends on your selection in Round to whole numbers:

  • If you set Round to whole numbers to Thousands (1 000), Millions (1 000 000) or Billions (1 000 000 000), set Display decimal places to the same value that Decimals is set to on the Numbers tab. In our example, this would be 2.

  • If you set Round to whole numbers to Ones, Display decimal places is set to 0 by default. In this case, set Display decimal places to Include decimals.

Coordinating rounding settings in the Financial Statements and Numbers on the Engagement Settings where the number of decimal places is set to 2, and rounding is to the nearest 1,000.

Coordinating rounding settings in the Financial Statements and Numbers on the Engagement Settings where Display decimal places is set to Include decimals, and Rounding to whole numbers is to Ones.

Note: Currently inside financial statements, planning balances are not supported for custom calculations in the Data Link dialog. Planning balances are not designed to be used in financial statements.

Planning balances are not supported for custom calculations in the Data Link dialog.