- Explore
- Accomplish
- Caseware AiDA
- Audit International
- Index
- What is Caseware Audit International?
- What's New
- Get Started
- Planning
- Risk Assessment
- Fieldwork
- Conclusion
- Authoring Queries
- Add a query
- Add guidance to a query
- Add groups to a client request
- Add questions to your client request
- Modify questions in the client request
- Add or remove a link in text sections
- Add data links in text sections
- Link a question to a checklist procedure
- Change engagement glossary terms and dynamic text
- Add Author IDs
- Copy Author IDs
- Cloud Connector
- Index
- What is Caseware Cloud Connector?
- Get Started
- Get started with Caseware Cloud Connector
- Purchase and enable Caseware Cloud Connector for your firm
- Data linkage and real time updates in Caseware Cloud Connector
- Insert data using MS Excel formula bar with Caseware Cloud Connector
- Insert data using MS Excel formula dialog with Caseware Cloud Connector
- Insert data using the right pane with Caseware Cloud Connector
- List of Caseware Cloud Connector functions
- Troubleshooting
- Hybrid Cloud
- Index
- What is Caseware Hybrid Cloud?
- Get Started
- Migration
- Integration
- Engagement Management
- Create a Caseware Cloud engagement using Caseware Working Papers
- Manage sync copies
- Share a Caseware SmartSync file on Caseware Cloud
- Move Working Papers files to another entity
- Create an engagement file for the next period (roll forward)
- Create placeholders in the engagement file
- Review the prior year's engagement
- Sherlock
- Global Statutory Reporting
- Cloud API
- Engagement Management
- Index
- File Preparation
- Planning
- Check staff workload
- Create and set up an engagement file
- Create a new engagement based on an existing file
- Manage the engagement documents
- Create an engagement for an interim period
- Carry forward an engagement
- Complete a checklist
- Set deadlines and budgets for a new engagement
- Set up and import a trial balance containing dimensions
- Staff-Client Collaboration
- Data Export from Third-Party Tools
- Data Import
- Import and manage data
- Manage your imported data
- Import data from online accounting software
- Supported third-party desktop accounting software
- Prerequisites for importing from desktop accounting software
- Import data from desktop accounting software
- Import from QuickBooks desktop
- Import from QuickBooks desktop (Export from QB)
- Import from Sage desktop
- Import data from AuditXML
- Import data from SAP S4 HANA
- Import data from SAP using SmartExporter
- Import the trial balance from a CSV or Excel file (new method)
- Import the trial balance from a CSV or Excel file (old method)
- Import the trial balance from an engagement file
- Import the client's transactions and other subledger data from a CSV or Excel file
- Prepare the transactions CSV file
- Resolve data import conflicts
- Understand Trial Balance Data
- Understand General Ledger Data
- Understand Subledger Data
- Understand subledger datasets
- Accounts payable—invoices
- Accounts payable—open balances
- Accounts payable—suppliers
- Accounts payable—payments made
- Accounts receivable—Invoices
- Accounts receivable—cash received
- Accounts receivable—customers
- Accounts receivable—open balances
- Inventory transactions
- Inventory on hand
- Accounts and Analysis
- Add an account or a group in the Data page
- Assign accounts to groups
- Assign financial groups to areas
- Dynamic account reassignment in the Data page
- View data for consolidation engagements in the Data page
- Export adjustments and trial balance data
- Export trial balance groups
- Manage analytic tests in the Analytics Hub
- View and manage aggregated analytic test results in Analytics Hub
- Post adjustments to the trial balance
- Review group and account balances in the financial statements
- Sample selection
- Sign off on the trial balance and adjustments
- View account analysis in checklists
- View analytics test results for checklists
- View the client's transactions
- View the client's trial balance data
- Documentation and Review
- Upload files to an entity
- Download files
- Download Working Papers files
- Attach documents to an engagement file
- Add new Word and Excel documents
- Add annotations
- Add review notes (issues)
- Complete review notes (issues)
- Respond to file requests
- Work with Review Tools
- Review prepared documents
- View the overall engagement status
- Financial Statements Preparation
- View guidance information in the financial statements
- Use non-consolidated balances in the financial statements
- Exclude prior year information from the financial statements
- View details of accounts and groups in the financial statements
- Set a default display option for accounts and groups in the financial statements
- Review account analysis in the financial statements
- Rounding in financial statements
- Replace text and field placeholders in the financial statements
- Exclude content in the financial statements
- Add excluded content back in the financial statements
- Change engagement glossary terms and dynamic text in the financial statements
- Review the Statement of Cash Flows in the financial statements
- Create a note in the financial statements
- Add a note from library in the financial statements
- Hide sublevel headings for notes
- Link an account or a group to a note in the financial statements
- Add data in the financial statements tables
- Insert the firm logo in the financial statements
- Translate the financial statements
- Save and compare financial statements
- View and share financial statements
- Conclusions
- Authoring
- Index
- Template Management
- Manage the firm template
- Create a draft
- Delete a draft
- Use the product template
- Publish a draft
- Edit the firm template
- Update the firm template
- Create a draft using a previous template version
- Revert to a previous template version
- Suppress content in the firm template
- Authoring content and deliverables in multiple languages
- Define signoff roles
- Set up signoff schemes
- Review and customize signoff schemes
- Add guidance information for staff members
- Set up the Notes Library
- Add areas
- Add dimensions
- Link analytic tests to a checklist procedure
- Customize analytic tests
- Customize assertions
- Customize controls
- Customize financial groups
- Customize risks
- Customize the Documents page
- Customize the lockdown settings
- Group properties
- Define components
- Assign components to items in your template
- Manage synced checklists for central planning
- Visibility Logic
- Formatting and Display Options
- Checklists
- Add a checklist
- Checklist components
- Review and modify the checklist default settings
- Add a group or a subgroup
- Add a procedure
- Add or remove a link in the procedure description
- Add a data link in the procedure description
- Annotate a procedure or subprocedure
- Review and customize procedure settings
- Add a response type to a procedure
- Add authoritative references in a procedure
- Rearrange procedures
- Letters and Memos
- Add a letter or memo
- Add a Table of Contents in a letter or memo
- Add a grouping area in a letter or memo
- Add text in a letter or memo
- Add or remove a link in text areas in a letter or memo
- Add placeholders in text areas in a letter or memo
- Add data links in text areas in a letter or memo
- Add a page break in a letter or memo
- Add a header and footer in a letter or memo
- Set up the print options for a letter or memo
- Queries
- Add a query
- Add contact instructions
- Add question sets
- Add a query question
- Add or remove a link in a query question
- Add a data link in a query question
- Add a document reference in the query question
- Change engagement glossary terms and dynamic text
- Review and customize query question settings
- Modify or add a response type to a question
- Link a query question to a checklist procedure
- Rearrange query questions and question sets
- Add Author IDs
- Copy Author IDs
- Financial Statements
- Index
- Add a financial statement area
- Add an analysis section in the financial statements
- Embed a PDF in the financial statements
- Add a header or footer in the financial statements
- Add a page break in the financial statements
- Add, change or remove note references
- Add content areas in the financial statements
- Add or edit a calculation in table cells in the financial statements
- Add or remove a link in text sections in the financial statements
- Add or remove data links in text sections in the financial statements
- Add or remove placeholders in text sections in the financial statements
- Change the display option for table rows
- Hide dynamic table header rows
- Copy a table in the financial statements
- Create custom groups in tables
- Customize font sizes and spacing in the financial statements
- Customize numbered headings in the financial statements
- Customize rounding in the financial statements
- Customize text in the financial statements
- Customize the consolidation options in table columns
- Customize the financial statements content
- Customize the financial statements layout
- Customize the title of the notes section in the financial statements
- Delete content in the financial statements
- Display zero balance columns in dynamic tables
- Edit notes in the financial statements
- Edit table columns in the financial statements
- Edit table descriptions in the financial statements
- Edit table rows in the financial statements
- Exclude rows from a custom group total
- Expand or collapse account group rows in a table in the financial statements
- Group columns in dynamic tables
- Change the dynamic table font size
- Set default underline and overline options for dynamic tables
- Set default currency symbol options for dynamic tables
- Add cell references in dynamic tables
- Add custom calculations in text sections
- Specify the currency symbol option for rows
- Rearrange areas in the financial statements
- Rename content areas in financial statements
- Set up the print options in the financial statements
- View hidden rows and columns in a table in the financial statements
- Rounding setup recommendations
- Practice Management
- Index
- Activities
- Dashboards and Tracking
- Entities
- Files
- Maintenance
- Add custom branding to Caseware Cloud
- Add external links
- Create custom fields, tags and workflows
- Customize system-generated emails
- Data recovery limitations
- Deactivate or delete accounts
- Deactivate or delete client entities
- Manage purchased engagements
- Reorganize staff and groups
- Scheduled Caseware Cloud maintenance
- Set up general ledger accounts
- Settings
- Integrate Caseware Q with Caseware Working Papers
- Integrate productivity tools with Caseware Cloud
- Firm settings - Organization
- Firm settings - Email
- Firm settings - Integration
- Firm settings - Security
- Firm settings - Customization
- Firm settings - System
- Firm settings - Engagement File Management
- Firm settings - Caseware Sherlock
- Firm settings - Caseware Working Papers
- Firm settings - CasewareCloud Time
- Staff rate properties
- Permissions
- Enable or disable features for all users
- Gadget list (Dashboards)
- Administration
- Index
- Business Units
- Roles and Permissions
- Assign system-wide security roles
- Built-in roles
- Caseware Cloud security architecture
- Controlling access to Caseware Working Papers files
- Create a private entity
- Create custom security roles
- Deny users and groups access to an entity
- Manage access for Caseware Cloud apps
- Login settings
- Sample Caseware Cloud security framework
- Security considerations
- Single Sign-On
- Integrate single sign-on
- Integrate single sign-on with ADFS
- Create a new application group (ADFS)
- Create a Web API application (ADFS)
- Create an Issuance Transform rule (ADFS)
- Generate the Reply URL (ADFS)
- Integrate single sign-on with Azure AD
- Register a new app for single sign-on (Azure AD)
- Generate a client secret (Azure AD)
- Copy the metadata endpoint (Azure AD)
- Configure optional claims (Azure AD)
- Generate the Reply URL (Azure AD)
- Assign authorized staff to use single sign-on (Azure AD)
- Assign API permissions (Azure AD)
- Test your single sign-on integration (ADFS, Azure AD)
- Integrate single sign-on with Okta
- Create a new app integration (Okta)
- Generate client credentials (Okta)
- Copy the metadata URI (Okta)
- Manage authorization servers (Okta)
- Generate the Reply URL (Okta)
- Test your single sign-on integration (Okta)
- Frequently asked questions
- Users and Groups
- Glossary
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