Añadir áreas de contenido en los estados financieros

Areas help organize your financial statement content by grouping similar or related information.

To add an area to the financial statement:

  1. Go to the Document Map, then select Add ().

  2. Choose New Area.

    The new area is appended to the document map and displays on the page with a default title New Area. You can select the default title to change it. Note that the area name in the Table of Contents will not be automatically be updated. To learn more, see Rename content areas in financial statements.

    Note: If there are no notes in the financial statement, the option Note Area is also available. Choose Note Area to include a notes section in the document and start adding notes.

  3. Start adding content to the new area by selecting it to display the Add icon ().

To add content to the new area, select Add (), then choose one of the following content types:

  • Sección de texto

  • Tabla dinámica

  • Análisis

  • Salto de página

You can add more than one content type in an area. You can also drag and drop the new area to change its location in the document, see Rearrange areas in the financial statements.