Añadir un encabezado o pie de página en los estados financieros
You can add engagement information to the header and footer of your financial statement. For example, you can add the name of the engagement to the header and your firm name to the footer.
You can also customize the header or footer for any area or page break in your financial statement and the notes area (Notes to the Financial Statement ).
Añadir un encabezado o pie de página en los estados financieros
Select the Settings icon (
) and choose Document Print Settings.
Enter the header and footer content at the Header and Footer text fields.
You can use the formatting toolbar to customize the header or footer content.
Seleccione Guardar.
To add a custom header or footer to a financial statement area:
Go to the desired area.
Select the More actions (
) icon at the top right corner of the page.
- Choose Edit Print Settings from the list of actions.
Select Custom header and Custom footer to display the text fields for the header or footer.
Enter the header and footer content at the text fields.
You can use the formatting toolbar to customize the header or footer content.
Seleccione Guardar.
The header or footer information you added apply to this area overriding any existing header or footer setting for the document.
To add a header or a footer to the notes area:
Select the Settings icon (
) and choose Notes Print Settings.
Enter the header and footer content at the Header and Footer text fields.
You can use the formatting toolbar to customize the header or footer content.
Seleccione Guardar.
The header or footer information you added apply to the notes area (Notes to the Financial Statement) overriding the existing header or footer setting for the document.
To add a custom header or footer to a page break:
Select the desired page break.
Icons for page break options display on the right.
Select the More actions icon (
- Choose Print Settings from the list of actions.
Select Custom header and Custom footer to display the text fields for the header or footer.
Enter the header and footer content at the text fields.
You can use the formatting toolbar to customize the header or footer content.
Seleccione Guardar.
The header or footer information you added apply to this page break overriding any existing header or footer setting for the area and the document.