Whats new - Cloud 34.0

Find out what’s new in Caseware Cloud 34.0.

Read-only licenses

Staff can now be assigned read-only licenses to Cloud engagement apps. Read-only licenses allow users to view engagement content within an app, without consuming a paid license. To assign a user a read-only license, navigate to their user profile, and on the Apps tab, select Read-only for the relevant app.

For more information, see Manage access for Caseware Cloud apps.

Deprecation of the Replace function

Based on feedback from clients and overall low usage in the last year, we have decided to deprecate the Replace function for Working Papers files. This deprecation will have no impact on the Replace Server Copy feature in Working Papers, which is still available. Going forward, you can replace a Working Papers file by simply deleting the Cloud copy, then uploading the new copy from your local computer.