Create a new app integration (Okta)

Before you can integrate Okta with Caseware Cloud, you must create a new app integration through the Okta dashboard.

To create a new app integration:

  1. Log in to your firm's Okta dashboard with an Admin account.

  2. From the main menu, expand the Applications drop-down and select Applications.

  3. On the Applications page, select Create App Integration.

  4. In the Create a new app integration dialog, select the following:

    • Sign-in method: OIDC - OpenID Connect

    • Application type: Web Application

    Wählen Sie Weiter.

  5. On the New Web App Integration page, complete the form as required.

    • The App integration name can be any name of your preference.

    • Use the default values for the Sign-in redirect URIs option for now.

    • For the Controlled access option in the Assignments group, select the preferred access option for your firm.

      Note: To use the Limit access to selected groups option, you must first define groups for your firm under Directory | Groups.

    Select Save.

Nächstes Thema: Generate client credentials