Eigenschaften Mitarbeitersätze

Content in this topic requires CasewareCloud Time.

Rates can be assigned to staff members based on the work codes set up for the company. This enables the company to assign individual rates to staff members while maintaining a standard set of work codes across the company.

You can also set work codes to a zero (0) rate to record time at no charge.

Note: Staff members without a standard rate can still post entries to time. Their rate will amount to zero.

Staff rates have the following properties:

Rate Properties Beschreibung
Standard rate and Work Code rates Status

The current status of the standard or work code rate:

  • Active ()

    The current rate for this staff member. See Effective Date below.

  • Historical ()

    The rate for this staff member in a prior period.

    Note:;A prior period rate cannot be modified or deleted.

  • Future ()

    A future rate for this staff member. A rate is a future rate if the effective date occurs after the current period.

Standard Rate Effective Date

The date the standard rate takes effect.

The effective date cannot be earlier than the period start date.


The standard (default) rate for this staff member. The standard rate is applied when there is no corresponding rate defined for the specific work code.

For example, a staff member enters time using work code 100. If there is no corresponding rate defined for this work code, then the standard rate is applied for this time entry.

Work Code Rates Work Code A predefined work code for time entries. See Creating new work codes for more information.
Effective Date

The date the rate for the specified work code takes effect.

The effective date cannot be earlier than the period start date.


The rate for the specified work code for this staff member. If defined, this rate is applied when entering time using the specified work code.

For example, a staff member enters time using work code 100. A rate of $100.00 is defined for this work code. This rate is then applied for time entries using work code 100.