Review work programs

This topic applies to Caseware ReviewComp.

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You need to complete the work programs you have designated as material when you scoped your engagement. Each work program relates to a specific financial statement area and consist of the following sections:

  1. Part A - Obtain an understanding.

  2. Part B - Additional procedures.

  3. Part C - Completion and reporting.

  4. Financial reporting framework (If you've selected ASPE framework in the Planning Optimiser).

  5. Part D - Presentation and disclosure.

  6. Conclusion.

Hinweis: In the Financial reporting framework section, Caseware ReviewComp provides a list of possible significant accounting policies and note disclosures. You can select the relevant items you want to include in the financial statements.

Each work program has an Analysis tab that provides a visual representation of data for the financial statement area, as well the relevant ratios.

3-A Cash and cash equivalents worksheet