Inhalt in der Firmenvorlage unterdrücken
You can't hide or change visibility settings for the default documents or content that comes with your product. However, you can suppress it in the firm template so it doesn't show in your firm's engagement files.
Note: To suppress content in the firm template, you must have the Settings Admin role or similar to access the firm template. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in Vorgegebene Rollen und Zugriffsrollen zuweisen.
Suppress a document in the firm template
If a document that's part of the default content that comes with your product is irrelevant in your engagement, you can suppress it.
To suppress a document:
Open the firm template.
Go to the Documents page.
Select the document that you want to suppress.
Select Suppress (
See Manage the firm template for more information.
Inhalt in der Firmenvorlage unterdrücken
If some content that's part of the default content that comes with your product is irrelevant in your engagement, you can suppress it.
To suppress content in a checklist, query, letter or memo:
Open the firm template.
Open the document where you want to suppress content.
text fields, Table of Contents and page breaks in letters and memos.
procedures, groups and subgroups in checklists.
queries and groups in query documents.
Select Edit (
Select Suppress (
) next to the item you want to suppress.
See Manage the firm template for more information.
Content can be:
To suppress content in the financial statements:
Open the firm template.
Open the document where you want to suppress content.
Select the item that you want to suppress.
Select Suppress (
See Manage the firm template for more information.
Content can be text fields, page breaks, Table of Contents, dynamic tables and notes.