CWI.ACCOUNTBALANCE | Returns the balance of an account in the trial balance. Parameters: -
Number - The account number. Enclose the account number between double quotations. -
Year_offset - The prior year number. To return the current year balance, enter 0 as the year_offset. For the prior year, enter 1. -
Balance_type - The type of balance. To return the final balance, enter 0 as the balance_type. For the planning balance, enter 1. |
CWI.ACCOUNTNAME | Returns the name of an account in the trial balance. Parameters: |
CWI.BUSINESSFAX | Returns the fax number of the entity. |
CWI.BUSINESSNUMBER | Returns the business number of the entity. |
CWI.BUSINESSPHONE | Returns the business phone number of the entity. |
CWI.CLIENTSINCE | Returns the date at which the entity has become a client. |
CWI.COUNTRYNAME | Returns the entity's country of registration. |
CWI.CURRENCY | Returns the code for the engagement's selected currency. |
CWI.CURRENCYNAME | Returns the name of the engagement's selected currency. |
CWI.CURRENCYSYMBOL | Returns the symbol of the engagement's selected currency. |
CWI.CURRENTPERIODEND | Returns the current period end date for the engagement. |
CWI.CURRENTPERIODSTART | Returns the current period start date for the engagement. |
CWI.CURRENTYEAR | Returns the current year of the engagement. |
CWI.DISSOLUTIONDATE | Returns the dissolution date for the entity. |
CWI.EMAIL | Returns the email address of the entity. |
CWI.ENTITYADDRESSLINE1 | Returns line 1 of the entity's address. Parameters: |
CWI.ENTITYADDRESSLINE2 | Returns line 2 of the entity's address. Parameters: |
CWI.ENTITYADDRESSLINE3 | Returns line 3 of the entity's address. Parameters: |
CWI.ENTITYCITY | Returns the city of the entity's address. Parameters: |
CWI.ENTITYCOUNTRY | Returns the country of the entity's address. Parameters: |
CWI.ENTITYPOSTALCODE | Returns the postal code of the entity's address. Parameters: |
CWI.ENTITYPROVINCE | Returns the province of the entity's address. Parameters: |
CWI.FACEBOOK | Returns the URL of the entity Facebook account. |
CWI.FIRMADDRESSLINE1 | Returns line 1 of the firm address. |
CWI.FIRMADDRESSLINE2 | Returns line 2 of the firm address. |
CWI.FIRMADDRESSLINE3 | Returns line 3 of the firm address. |
CWI.FIRMCITY | Returns the value for City from the firm address. |
CWI.FIRMCOUNTRY | Returns the value for Country from the firm address. |
CWI.FIRMNAME | Returns your firm's name. |
CWI.FIRMPOSTALCODE | Returns the value for Postal Code from the firm address. |
CWI.FIRMPROVINCE | Returns the value for Province from the firm address. |
CWI.FIRSTNAME | Returns the first name of the entity. |
CWI.FORMVALUE | Returns a value from a form in the linked engagement. Parameters: |
CWI.GROUPBALANCE | Returns the balance of a trial balance group. Parameters: -
Number - The account number. Enclose the account number between double quotations. -
Year_offset - The prior year number. To return the current year balance, enter 0 as the year_offset. For the prior year, enter 1. -
Balance_type - The type of balance. To return the final balance, enter 0 as the balance_type. For the planning balance, enter 1. |
CWI.GROUPNAME | Returns the name of a group in the trial balance. Parameters: |
CWI.HOMEPHONE | Returns the home phone number of the entity. |
CWI.INCORPORATIONDATE | Returns the incorporation date of the entity. |
CWI.LASTNAME | Returns the last name of the entity. |
CWI.LEGALNAME | Returns the legal name of the entity. |
CWI.LINKEDIN | Returns the URL of the entity LinkedIn account. |
CWI.MATERIALITY | Returns the materiality information. Parameters: -
Materiality_type - The materiality type. To return the overall materiality, enter 0. For the performance materiality, enter 1. -
Materiality_workflow - The materiality workflow. To return the planning workflow, enter 0. For the revised workflow, enter 1. |
CWI.MEMO | Returns the content of the Memo field in the entity details. |
CWI.MIDDLENAME | Returns the middle name of the entity. |
CWI.MOBILEPHONE | Returns the mobile phone number of the entity. |
CWI.OPERATINGNAME | Returns the operating name of the entity. |
CWI.ORGANIZATIONTYPE | Returns the organization type of the entity. |
CWI.PRIMARYINDUSTRYCODE | Returns the primary industry code of the entity. |
CWI.PRIORPERIODEND | Returns the end date for the first prior period of engagement. |
CWI.PRIORPERIODSTART | Returns the start date for the first prior period of engagement. |
CWI.PRIORYEAR | Returns the prior year of the engagement. If there are multiple prior years, this function returns the first prior year. |
CWI.REPORTINGFRAMEWORK | Returns the reporting framework of the entity. |
CWI.STATUS | Returns the status of the entity. |
CWI.SUBTYPE | Returns the entity subtype. |
CWI.TRIVIALMATERIALITY | Returns the Clearly Trivial materiality. |
CWI.TWITTER | Returns URL of the entity Twitter account. |
CWI.TYPE | Returns the organization type of the entity. |
CWI.WEBSITE | Returns the URL of the entity website. |
CWI.YEAREND | Returns the year end date for the engagement. |
CWI.YEARENDCHANGEDATE | If the engagement year end date changes, this function returns the date at which that change has happened. |
CWI.YEARENDMONTH | Returns the month of the engagement year end date. |
CWI.YEARSTART | Returns the year start date for the engagement. |