Tax deprecation FAQs

Content in this topic requires Caseware ReviewComp.

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the discontinuation of the tax component of Caseware ReviewComp (ReviewComp).


  • Why is the tax component of ReviewComp being discontinued?

    As part of Caseware’s product suite optimization process, we periodically evaluate the capabilities of our solutions to ensure that we're providing the utmost value to our users. After careful consideration, we have decided to discontinue the Corporate Tax EFILE submission functionality within Caseware ReviewComp and shift our focus to delivering innovative enhancements for your review, compilation and professional accounting services engagements.

  • When will the tax component of ReviewComp be discontinued?

    The tax component of ReviewComp is discontinued as of December 31, 2022.

  • Will I receive a refund for the tax component of ReviewComp?

    Customers are not entitled to a refund since the tax component of ReviewComp was an add-on provided at no additional cost.

  • Will Caseware ReviewComp still exist?

    Yes, the review and compilation components of ReviewComp will be available under a rebranded product, Caseware ReviewComp.

EFILE Continuance

  • When is the last day I can EFILE?

    As of January 1, 2023, you are no longer able to EFILE using Caseware ReviewComp.

  • I have already netfiled with ReviewComp, do I have to do anything?

    For all tax returns that have been submitted to their corresponding tax authorities, no further action is required. We recommend that you download and maintain a tax reference copy of your tax return for tracking purposes.

Existing Engagements

  • What will happen to my existing tax engagements?

    You will continue to have complete access to your existing tax engagements once you maintain an active ReviewComp user license. We recommend that you create a tax reference copy of your completed tax return for tracking purposes.

  • What will happen to my review or compilation engagements?

    All review and compilation engagements will continue to function as before, except for the removal of tax specific functionality effective December 31, 2022. For example, the EFILE page, diagnostics modules and tax forms (excluding GIFI forms) will be removed.

Exporting Data

  • Can I carry forward my tax return to another software?

    We do not currently have direct integration of tax returns with other vendors. However, you can use our export tool to transfer GIFI information, as most vendors offer auto-fill to import prior year data.

  • Will you have a GIFI export?

    We will continue to maintain the GIFI tax forms in ReviewComp and allow you to export your GIFI data and financial statement notes, as needed.

    For more information, see Export GIFI data.