Novedades - Working Papers 4,0

Find out what's new in Caseware Sherlock 4.0.

Gold Standard Mapping for Risk Control and MLP

Gold Standard Mapping has been extended to allow firms with custom Audit templates to map their template's risks, controls and reportable items to match Caseware's "gold standard". As a result of this mapping process, Sherlock can retrieve the risks, controls and reportable items from engagement files that are based on the firm template.

Processing Messages report

View historical extraction records

Historical extraction records have been added to the Processing Messages report, enabling you to verify that all your engagement data has been successfully extracted by Sherlock.

Ensure that you have the Settings Admin role or equivalent privileges.

  1. Open the Cloud menu () and select Settings.
  2. Select Sherlock Starter | Processing Messages.

Pagination and help

Pagination and a help button have been added to the Processing Messages report.

Sherlock Reader and Sherlock Builder

Spanish and French language support

The Sherlock Reader and Sherlock Builder interfaces are available in both French and Spanish.

CaseView database included in Sherlock Reader

Sherlock Reader visualizations can be created from data stored in the CaseView database.