Utilizar la plantilla de productos
If you don't want to customize a template for your firm, you can set your firm template to use the product template. The product template contains the default content for your product.
Tip: To view information about your current product version, select Information () | About.
The advantage of using the product template is that you don't need to manually update the firm template whenever there are new product updates. To learn more, see Update the firm template.
Utilizar la plantilla de productos
Ensure that you have the Settings Admin role or similar. For more information, see Built-in roles and Assign security roles.
From the Cloud menu (
), select Settings (
) | <your product name> | Manage Template.
Select Use Default.
The current template is archived and your firm now uses the product template. The option now available to you on the Manage Template page is Create Draft.
If you want to customize the product template to meet specific firm requirements, select Create Draft.