Editar las notas de los estados financieros

You can edit the dynamic table or the text section in a note. To edit a text section in a note, see Customize text.

To edit or copy a dynamic table in a note, refer to the following topics:

You can delete an entire note or note content that's no longer needed in the document.

Select More actions () | Delete to delete content or headings in a note. For example, to delete a note heading in a note, select the note heading then select More actions () | Delete.

To delete a note:

  1. Go to the Document Map then, select Notes to the Financial Statements.

  2. Select the note that you want to delete, then select More actions () | Delete Note at the top-right corner of the page.

  3. All headings and content within this note is also deleted.

Note: You can't delete notes that are part of the default content that comes with your product. However, you can exclude them from the document.