Crear un borrador utilizando una versión anterior de la plantilla

You can create a draft using a previous version of your template.

Crear un borrador utilizando una versión anterior de la plantilla

  1. Ensure that you have the Settings Admin role or similar. For more information, see Built-in roles and Assign security roles.

  2. From the Cloud menu (), select Settings () | <your product name> | Manage Template.

  3. Go to the archived templates list.

  4. Open an archived template to create a draft based on that template.

  5. The new draft opens.

  6. Make changes as necessary.

  7. From the Cloud menu () , select Settings () | <your product name> | Manage Template.

  8. Select Publish Template to have the changes applied to new engagements.

    The published template is added to the archive and a record of it displays in the archived templates list.